chapter 53

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Chapter 53

Ok so here is chapter 53 everyone let's see what will happen in this chapter.

The time was around 11:30 am now as the storm still raged on outside as Katie was sitting in between Aiko and Rocky's beds.

Katie "Aiko are you awake"?

Aiko "I am now.

Katie "Sorry for waking you but just letting you know you and Rocky will be alone in the room since the rest of us are going to go Ryder".

Aiko "Is okay don't worry."

Katie "Maybe you and Rocky can talk while we are gone" Katie got up and kissed Aiko gently on the forehead.

Aiko "Okay."

Katie smiled and left the room to join the other pups.

Rocky was still under his blankets hiding from the storm but he was awake and heard everything that Katie said.

Aiko "Hey come out is nothing to be scared off."

Rocky "no its warm under here".

Aiko "Come on out is not that scary."

Rocky popped his head out and looked at Aiko "But it's cold out here and I'm very happy to see your awake my love" he smiled.

Aiko "Is not that cold in here. Don't be such a puppy is just noise."

Rocky sighed "Yer I guess your right" he pushed the blanket off himself and looked back at Aiko "I'm sorry this all happened Aiko it's all my fault".

Aiko "Nonsense dear. It happens."

Rocky "Yer but this one happened because of me I should have done more to protect everyone on the ship the whole security system was my job and I failed which ended up getting you and me killed".

Aiko "You only need a professional on that."

Rocky sighed "I am a professional Aiko I must have missed something dam it".

Aiko "A lot actually."

Rocky sighed as tears started to roll down his face.

Aiko "You can't trust technology these days you know, I always blame technology not the person."

Rocky "But I'm the person who did all the technology so really your blaming me".

Aiko "Come on you didn't invent technology you work with them is not the same. You are blaming yourself too much that you changed my words."

Rocky "Yer I guess I did sorry love how are you feeling"?

Aiko "Good and bored."

Rocky "Well at least your good my body hurts a lot".

Aiko "Mine too."

Rocky tried to moved his paw and was hit with a lot of pain "Ow dam it".

Aiko "Don't try that I did that already."

Rocky "Yer won't be doing that again".

Aiko "Of course you won't. Agh I'm thirsty."

Rocky "Yer so am I".

Suddenly a nurse came in with a food cart "Lunch time you two also bought you both new bowls of water".

Aiko "Oohhh."

Rocky "Great timing"

The nurse bought over tables and put the bowls on them then put straws in them "Their you both go would either of you like anything else"?

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