Chapter 11 First day in Sydney

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Ok so last chapter the team and Rose arrived in Sydney and landed next to a big navy ship in Sydney harbour now onto chapter 11 and thanks to everyone who reviewed.

The whole team were now in Sydney and landed at the navy base as the pups were asleep Ryder and Katie were the only ones awake when they had fully landed.

Ryder: "Hey Katie I'm going to go outside for a minute and meet our lovely hosts".

Katie: "Ok Ryder I will stay on the sky patroller and watch over the pups".

Ryder: "Ok thanks Katie I will be back as soon as I can".

Katie: "Ok stay safe".

Ryder: "I will".

Ryder walked off the bridge and to the door that went outside to the ground as Ryder opened the door and started walking down the ramp. There was a woman dressed fully in white waiting at the bottom of the ramp for Ryder. Ryder walked down ramp towards the woman.

Ryder: "Hello I'm Ryder leader of the Paw Patrol and Capitan of the Sky Patroller".

Kim: "Hello Ryder my name is Kim and I'm head of navy here in Sydney and I would like to welcome you and your team to Australia and I hope you enjoy your stay".

Ryder: "Thank you very much we will enjoy our stay and if you ever need us we will be here to help I will being my pups out to say hi later on they are very tired after helping out with that rescue in the middle of Sydney".

Kim: "You mean the fire at center point tower I saw that on the news so you and your team were the ones who saved all the people that were trapped in the top part of the tower".

Ryder: "Yes that was us it was our first job in Sydney".

Kim: "How did you hear about it"?

Ryder: "We have a radio on our sky patroller and we picked up a call for help from a person on the top floor and we went to help".

Kim: "That's cool".

The sky patroller's door opened and Marshall walked out tripping on the ramp and rolling down Ryder turned around just as Marshall nearly rolled off the ramp Ryder caught him and put him on the ground next to him.

Ryder: "Are you ok Marshall"?

Marshall: "I'm good thanks Ryder".

Ryder: "No problem pup o Kim this is Marshall our Fire and EMT pup Marshall this is Commander Kim of the navy".

Kim: "Hello Marshall".

Marshall: "Hello Kim".

Kim: "Are you sure you're ok from that trip"?

Marshall: "Yer I always do stuff like that I'm good thanks for asking".

Ryder: "Marshall what are you doing out here in the first place I thought you were asleep like everyone else"?

Marshall: "I was but I woke up and wanted some air so I came out here".

Ryder: "Ok then o by the way Marshall would you mind doing a medical checkup on Rose please see if she is ok"?

Marshall: "Well do Ryder once she wakes up I will go check on her".

Kim: "Is one of your pups hurt are they"?

Ryder: "No she has just been through a lot resiliently so I get Marshall to check up on her every now and then".

Kim: "You're a great leader to care for your pups so much".

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