chapter 47

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Chapter 47

All the pups but Marshall, Everest and Rocky went to the bridge to meet and talk with Ryder. As they all got on the bridge Ryder was waiting for them.

Ryder "Thank for coming so quickly pups so there are a lot of things that have to be done before the show opens up tomorrow so first thing Chase I need you to put cones around the Sky Patroller so people don't get really close and get hurt".

Chase "Chase is on the case".

Ryder "Good now let's see Rose you and Zuma will be with me all of tomorrow there is a person who wants to meet you Rose".

Rose "What meet me really wow I didn't think a lot people even knew I was in the Paw Patrol yet".

Ryder "Well these people do and they want to meet you and have a photo with you there is also a little girl who wants to have a photo with Rocky and Everest but I will have to talk to them about that".

Rose was still surprised "Ok then sure I don't mind having photos with people but who will be taking care or Wendy and Lee while we are away Ryder"?

Ryder giggled "good question Rose I will either have them with Everest, Marshall and Wendy or Skye will be looking after them".

Skye smiled "that would be great I would love to look after them for you Rose".

Rose smiled "Thanks Skye and I can't wait for tomorrow the show will be epic".

Zuma "Yer it will be so epic and Rubble I hear they have a hotdog eating contest".

Rubble "Really, really, really oh boy I'm so going to win that".

Everyone laughed and giggled.

Ryder "good luck with that Rubble we all believe you will win now back to what we were talking about before Rubble until you're eating contest I would like you to watch the door and make sure no one tries to get in ok"?

Rubble "Rubble on the double".

Ryder smiled "now Skye if you're not on pup sitting I would like you to keep an eye on things from the sky please".

Skye "Let's take to the sky no problem Ryder".

Ryder "Thanks everyone now dinner will be in about two hours ok".

Everyone nodded before Wendy and Lee ran into the room.

They ran into Rose and knocked her onto her back as everyone giggled more.

Rose giggled as she hugged them while on her back as Katie came running in.

Katie "I'm sorry Rose they just ran away from me and I couldn't catch them".

Rose smiled "Its ok Katie don't worry about it I will take them from here".

Katie "Ok then well I'm going to go check on Aiko talk to you all later" Katie left the room.

Rose looked at Zuma "if you want to take Lee I will take Wendy to the room".

Zuma nodded and picked up Lee as Rose got up and pick up Wendy as the two walked to their room and put them on the bed and lied with them as they went to their mum and fed from Rose's tits getting milk.

Meanwhile Katie walked into the med bay and saw Aiko and Rocky while Aiko was awake Rocky was still asleep.

Katie walked over to Aiko "hey Aiko you feeling ok"?

Aiko "Oh, yeah. Is just that I can't sleep right."

Katie sat down next to her "you sure you're ok you look like you just did something that has shocked your whole body".

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