The Great Battle

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(This is referring to the battle in Dawn of the Clans, by the way.) ⌁ Rio

The Question: 

What if Clear Sky had killed Gray Wing instead of sparing him? 

During the Great Battle, Clear Sky manages to pin down his brother, but he decides against killing him after realizing he's about to murder his own kin. My question today is: What if Gray Wing was killed? 

Thunder, at this point, was still alive, and my guess is that he would attack Clear Sky. Thunder was injured from fighting Snake and being attacked by Leaf, but Clear Sky was obviously injured from his fight with Gray Wing. Thunder would've killed his father out of pure anger, and the battle would've continued. 

Clear Sky's side had two deaths and Gray Wing's had three, and with the two above toms dying, there would be three and four. Thirteen total cats (ten living at this point) were on Gray Wing's side, and ten (eight living) were on Clear Sky's. 

Clear Sky's cats: Snake had been injured by Lightning Tail, and Leaf was being treated by Dappled Pelt, so both of them weren't able to fight. That left only six fighting cats on Clear Sky's side.

There were no mentioned injuries of any of Gray Wing's cats, though cats were probably hurt.

This leads me to believe Gray Wing's side would have won the battle. This was a battle to kill, so I'd assume there would be six more dead cats, plus any casualties on Gray Wing's side. 

From here on out, we can assume that Thunder ruled the forest. Things might have gone in a similar way of the Clans (with the groups of cats), but without Clear Sky sparing his brother, the spirits never would have descended from StarClan.

This research actually took forever, even though this is kind of short xD I hope you enjoyed.

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