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What if Hollyleaf was part of the Three instead of Dovewing?

This what-if is pretty broad and pretty hard to write about, in my opinion. Lots of things would vary depending on what Hollyleaf's power is. Let me remind everyone that the reason Hollyleaf wasn't the third one was because the Erins couldn't think of a suitable power for her. 

But if she was part of the Third after all, in place of Dovewing, what would her power be?

Super speed?

Super smarts?

More possibly the second one. She was a politician from the start; the diplomat of the litter. Her supposedly great intellect could accomplish what Jayfeather and Lionblaze couldn't. However, balance is what makes the world go around. Jayfeather's physical blindness and rashness and Lionblaze's bloodlust (remember, in a rage he accidentally killed Russetfur T^T)? They were the other two's disadvantages. No cat is perfect. 

Hollyleaf's weaknesses would be her single-minded dedication to the Warrior Code, possibly her ambition, and the overwhelming vengeance Ashfur's action incited in her. Yeah yeah, the Warrior Code is the ultimate word, Hollyleaf, but if Firestar followed it every step of his way, would things be as peaceful as they were before the Dark Forest? Makes me wonder if a truly intelligent cat would still believe in the Warrior Code at all. (Man, now I want to analyse the Warrior Code and its impacts on the warriors society...)

I apologise I'm unable to go into depth about what this means for the series plot-wise. There are way too many options. I also read that thing a long time ago... 

With her super smarts, would Hollyleaf still kill Ashfur for revenge? 

Possibly. Her emotions might still be intense enough to overpower her common sense; we'll never know ^^'

Let's look at Dovewing's side. Her power would be nonexistent — she'd be the normal cat she always wanted to be. Ivypool wouldn't get jealous and they might still be best buddies. Hawkfrost may not find Ivypool to train with the Dark Forest because without jealousy towards her sister, she wouldn't be as easy to manipulate.

On the other hand, it also means that she wouldn't be able to be the undercover spy for the Clans — the Clans might have more trouble winning the battle, as Dovewing wouldn't be able to use her power to listen/watch the Dark Forest either.


*Begins to talk rapidly* Remember how Hollyleaf died? She was killed saving Ivypool's life from Hawkfrost, if I remember correctly.

Now, since Hawkfrost wouldn't really know Ivypool and she never 'betrayed' him, he might be harassing some other kitty instead of targeting his protegee. See how this all links together by some magical power of logic? Or just pure coincidence? 

Hollyleaf might still be alive. She might have survived the battle. 

Because she wasn't one of the Three.

I hope this made sense. Don't come bother me if it doesn't :D

Written by Saph! 🍩✨

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