The Dogs

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Question : What if Swiftpaw and Brightpaw hadn't gone looking for the dogs?

Hoo boy, this is another big one.

Well, first of all, I have two ideas for this:

One, Bluestar isn't crazy and makes them warriors with Cloudpaw. I'll call Swiftpaw.. Swiftstrike, and I'll keep Brightpaw's name Brightheart for convenience (and because it fits her well, even without the dogs). In this instance, let's say the dogs are still there, just Swiftstrike and Brightheart never went to find them. I assume Brightheart and Swiftstrike would become mates, and Brightheart and Cloudtail's kits wouldn't exist. Or perhaps she and Swiftstrike would have them? I'm not quite sure. Now, let's say Brightheart and Swiftstrike do have those kits. Dovewing and Ivykpool may have been born then later on, but their appearances may have been different. If they didn't have the kits, then Dovewing and Ivypool wouldn't exist.

Two, Bluestar is still crazy and Swiftpaw and Brightpaw aren't made warriors. Swiftpaw, being reckless as he was (as I remember him), would probably come up with another plan to prove themselves. Now, I'm not sure what that plan would be, but considering he decided to face a danger without any backup or idea of what it was, the plan probably would be crazy. I assume one of them would end up dead or horribly wounded, as what happened with the dogs. If Brightpaw lived, I assume her storyline would continue on with Cloudtail and their family tree. If Swiftpaw survied, I assume he would find a mate and go on with them to have a family. 

I'm sorry that this is rather short, but I hope it was interesting!

~ Warrior / WR-87

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