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What if Briarlight never broke her legs and spine?

Well, Briarlight would be a regular warrior and didn't have to do exercises to try and strengthen them. Briarlight would live a fulfilling life in ThunderClan. Millie wouldn't be possessive over Briarlight. She would spend more time with all of her kits.

Blossomfall wouldn't have accepted her "invitation" to the Dark Forest. She would not be jealous about Briarlight getting all of the attention.

Briarlight helped Jayfeather a lot with the medicine cat practices and some thought that Briarlight would be Jayfeather's apprentice. Briarlight had to help some cats from the clan who had injuries and it was more productive and if Briarlight didn't help or learn anything, some warriors may have died from battle skirmishes or just regular battles.

There wouldn't be so many fans that were mad at Millie for neglected her other kits. Briarlight would be able to get a mate and have kits of her own. Millie would be a better mother for all of her kits. More people would like Millie for her motherly traits

Also there wouldn't have been so many Briarlight and Jayfeather shippers or fanfictions. It's outrageous because Jayfeather is a medicine cat and we don't need anymore breaking of the Warrior cat code. 


This was an overdue chapter, so I did it XD. I hope you enjoyed ~Whisper 

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