Crowfeather & Leafpool

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What if Crowfeather and Leafpool
left the clans and lived as rogues.

First, the clans would probably hate their guts and drive them out of the clan. Firestar and Sandstorm would be sad to see their disloyal kit.

Living as rogues isn't easy, it would be harder to find prey and feed all of the mouths of the kits and themselves. They could starve to death.

For ThunderClan's side, Cinderpelt would die and there wouldn't be a real medicine cat for ThunderClan. This leaves them vulnerable and easily to take over. Brightheart might know the  basics, but not as much as a real medicine cat.

ThunderClan wouldn't have their true prophesied cats. This would leave to Dovewing, Ivypool, and maybe another cat to be given a power. Since they don't have "the three" which are the major part of the third arc.

This will cause a lot of chaos between all the clans when the Dark Forest arises back. Ashfur would be alive, he might of forced Squirrelflight to be his mate, Brambleclaw and Ashfur might have a fight.

Hawkfrost was fighting Ivypool and almost kills her if it wasn't for Hollyleaf. If Hollyleaf wasn't there then Ivypool would probably be dead.

Fallen leaves would have never met any cat and stayed alone in the tunnels.

The whole battle would be a huge mess since the three were a big part of it.

Cinderheart isn't mates with Lionblaze.

On WindClan side, Crowfeather would have just leave, there wouldn't be that much chaos unlike ThunderClan.

It turns out if Leafpool and Crowfeather left with the kits then it would skew the prophecy and the clans would be doomed by the Dark Forest.

I'm so tired when writing this. I hope you enjoyed. ~Whisper

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