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What If?: Mosskit had survived the journey to RiverClan

Mosskit's death was a real turning point for Bluestar in her want to become the leader of ThunderClan. Some could say it drove her on more to become a better leader to amend her daughter's perish, or some could say it made her question her actions and doubt herself. Either way, she lived with the burden of being responsible for Mosskit's death.

But what if she hadn't died?

Let's assume that the journey went on as normal but with three kits instead of two. Mosskit seemed to be quite noisy when she was younger, shown in the fact she managed to wake Smallear up by herself on the night she died. Maybe she would've caused a lot of fuss in RiverClan and would've lead to Greypool losing her want to protect their true identity. Perhaps she could've spoken about the Secret Escape game Bluestar played to get them to RiverClan and blown their cover. Though it's hard to tell, her siblings seemed more reserved (well, Mistykit, Stonekit whined a lot) than her, so the influence of having their sister alive might've altered their motives. She also may have reminded Oakheart even more of Bluestar, prompting him to attempt to visit her more often and potentially blow his cover.

Assuming that Mosskit being alive did lead to their identity being found, what would become of their family? I wouldn't say much would change for Oakheart, however I feel he wouldn't be as highly respected by his Clan, and if it weren't for the fact his brother was the leader, he may have been forced to step down from his position as deputy for being disloyal to his Clan. I also doubt Bluestar would have to step down, however again she might not be as highly respected either, and Tigerstar's hatred for Oakheart may have prompted him to want Bluestar dead even more than before. However, for poor Misty and Stone, things would've been worse off from the beginning. We know that Stonefur's demise came from being half-Clan, but if he were found to be just that even sooner, they may have exiled them both, meaning Misty would never have become leader. Being half-Clan was never a good thing to begin with, but being found out far sooner would've meant their lives might've been cut short, which would also affect Feathertail and Stormfur's existence too, seeing as Stonefur saved their lives.

Mosskit also gave Bluestar her seventh life, the gift of trust. Perhaps that gift would've affected her differently had it been given by another cat and not her own daughter, and she may not have reacted so kindly to Fireheart as a result. 

This one leaves a lot of room to discuss, so leave your theories in the comments about how Mosskit could've impacted Bluestar's family. Thanks for reading!

~It's Hazel back to try again, I know my last part upset some people due to my comments on the anatomy of the female cat, which was simply me just stating a fact but if it causes a problem then I won't hesitate to remove the problem~

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