Firestar and Scourge

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What if Scourge and Firestar had been born in the same litter?

Firestar and Scourge are half-brothers, but what if they had been born in the same litter? Let's see.

    As a result of different genes and being raised in a different environment, Firestar probably would have bullied Scourge along with his brother and sister. As a result, he would have ended up homeless and malnourished along with Ruby and Socks, eventually crawling back to Scourge.

    Now, beyond Firestar himself. Obviously, without Firestar in the Clans, Leafpool and Squirrelflight would never have existed. So, the Three wouldn't have ever been born. You can read about that in a previous what if. 

    SkyClan would never have been restored by Firestar and Sandstorm. Since Sol would never have stayed in SkyClan, he would not have become angst-ridden and taken it out on the Clans.

    Tigerstar would have most likely killed Bluestar and taken over ThunderClan. As a result, BloodClan would never have been brought in, and some cats would still be alive. Scourge would most likely still be out there with BloodClan. Stonefur would still be alive as RiverClan would never have been taken over by Tigerstar and ShadowClan.  Tigerstar would have lived to a ripe old age as leader.

    Tigerstar would have never brought in dogs, resulting in Swiftpaw being alive and Brightheart not having her face disfigured. She would never have been named Lostface, so Bluestar's leadership would not have been called into question by some.

    Pretty much every prophecy in the main series would not have happened. "Fire alone can save our Clan", "There will be Three", etc. Notably, the prophecy about "blood will spill blood" would not have occurred. Tigerstar met Sasha when in exile. With Firestar never in the Clans, Tigerstar would not have been exiled, and Hawkfrost and Mothflight would not have been born. Hawkfrost and Bramblestar would never have been in a feud, so no prophecy.

    Some smaller notes: Yellowfang would not have been brought into ThunderClan by Firestar, and would not have killed Brokenstar. Without Hollyleaf around, Ashfur would never have been killed. The Great Journey may not have gone as smoothly without Squirrelpaw. Mudfur may have become the leader of WindClan as Firestar would not have been there to witness Tallstar change his deputy.

    To sum it up, if Firestar would have been in Scourge's litter, his life would not have been so great. The Clans would not have had as many ups and downs. ThunderClan would be screwed.

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