Gay Couples

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Eyyo it's Annco again
This What If?: What if there were openly gay couples living in the Clans?

Okay, so to start off with, the Clans would be highly divided amongst themselves. Cats would fight, disagree, and the couple/s would likely be shunned by some Clan members and accepted by others. This would likely mean that there would be less efficiency in battle and cats would be more likely to leave the Clans or go to the Dark Forest after having been shunned their whole lives. Medicine cats, leaders, and mentors might put straight cats before the LGBT+ ones, creating enmity and jealousy.

I feel like eventually either there would be enough gay couples that they're widely accepted, or there would be so many that they would end up banding together and creating a Clan of their own.

StarClan might begin to divide, causing discrepancies and even more likelihood of cats turning to the Dark Forest.

So yeah that's pretty much all I can think of right now. And I in now way mean any of this to be offensive, so if it is, please know that I'm sorry.

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