Chapter 79

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       "How does his infidelity make you feel, Mrs. Kennedy?" asked the therapist.

      "It makes me feel like I'm not good enough for him. I mean if he has to go have sex with another woman to feel good. Then why am I married to him?"

     "Jackie, it's not like that," he said grabbing my her hand, "I just... I love you. I don't love Marilyn-"

"Say the tramp's name again, Jack. I dare you."

"Why don't we all take a deep breath and gather ourselves?" the therapist suggested.

"Jackie, it's like an appetite I guess. I want pleasure, but I don't need it. But you're food, Jackie, I need you with me to survive."

Jackie began to giggle, "That in its strange little way is very sweet, Jack."

"What can he do to earn your trust again?"

"I don't know. I mean right now the wound's deep, but eventually it'll heal and I'll be fine. I always am. Excuse me, I think I need to leave."

"Jackie, don't leave. We have to talk it out eventually. There has to be-"

"I just can't do it today, Jack. It's not you. I'm just not ready to talk about all of it. Clint, can we go, please?"

He nodded and soon Jackie was gone.

Hours later as Jackie was sitting at an ice cream shopping and venting to Clint, the phone in the shop rang. The owner of the store answered and his face went pale, "Mrs. Kennedy, someone needs to-"

Jackie jumped up and grabbed the phone, "Hello?"

"Jackie, it's Bobby. You have to meet us at the hospital."

"Bobby! What's happening? Who am I meeting at the hospital?"

"Jack's been shot."

She screamed in horror dropping the phone and then she grabbed Clint Hill. After dragging him to the car, she told him what she knew on the drive.

       "Clint," she said in her breathy voice, "What if he dies?"

       "He won't."

       "You don't know that and neither do I."

       "Well, I believe in God and I know you do too. I'm praying for him to be alight and that's all we can do right now."

       Jackie wiped tears away from her eyes and sighed as she pulled her rosary out of her purse.

When they arrived at the hospital, Jackie jumped out of the car and ran to find Jack. "Bobby!" she yelled upon seeing him, "Where's my husband?"

"He's in surgery. Jackie, you have to relax."

"No, I need to see him."

"Well you can't, Jackie. Listen," he said grabbing her wrists, "I know you're scared, but you have to calm down."

        "No!" she cried, "No! I can't live without that man!"

        "I understand, but in order for the doctors to fix him, you are going to have to wait."

      Jackie sat down in a chair and slouched over as she sobbed. "Mrs. Kennedy?"

      "Yes, Clint?" she sniffed looking up at him.

        He handed her a handkerchief. She mouthed a 'thank you' and then slumped back over in a fit of tears.

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