Chapter 105

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      Jackie was silent for what felt like an eternity. "Please say something," Jack pleaded.

     She couldn't say anything for fear that she would burst into tears. "Something," she said so she wouldn't start crying.

      "Aw, Kid, don't do this. Talk to me."

     "Are you scared?" she asked as the tears began to flow.

     "Terrified as hell," he squeezed her tightly, "We'll get through it though, right?"

     "Of course. What do we tell the kids and the family?"

     "Not a thing. They caught it early. I have surgery to get the cancer removed and then we go from there. I might not even need chemo."

     Jackie stood up, "Excuse me a moment. I have to use the restroom."

     He pulled her back down, "No, we're in this together. Talk to me."

   "Jack, I'm scared. God, Josie's only 3. Patrick's 10..."

   "I'm going to be okay, Kid. I promise."

    They laid on the bed longer and it seemed like their entire get away was spent laying together. Jack hadn't lied to Jackie in decades, but he was scared and he didn't know if it would be okay. 

    They arrived home back to the usual chaos. Josie jumped into Jack's arms and he squeezed her tightly. It brought tears to Jackie's eyes. Patrick ran and hugged Jackie and the other children came to greet them a few seconds later. 

   "Mom, we need to go shopping for my dorm room," Harrison said as he hugged his mother.

   "Of course! We'll go tomorrow... My baby boy is moving into Harvard next week."

    Jackie was true to her word. The next day Harrison and Jackie went shopping. They went o many different stores and then they stopped for lunch. "Do you want to get a quick lunch with your mama?" she pinched his cheek.

    "Of course, Mom."

    "College is going to be great, honey. You're going to love it. You'll learn so much and maybe you'll meet a nice girl. Has Dad talked to you about girls?"

    "How because of my name they might throw themselves at me? Yes, he's told me the right girl will love me for me."

    "And you're a wonderful young man... You deserve a wonderful girl, but if you hurt a girl, I will personally come up to Ha-va-d," she mocked the thick Bostonian accent of her husband, "And kick you Kennedy ass."

   He laughed, "I know. I know." 

  "I know you do. You're going to do great, Harrison. One more thing, if you find that politics and law aren't for you, it's okay. Your father will be okay too. We just want you to be happy."

  Jack was recovering from his surgery so he was not able to help Harrison move into Harvard. So Jackie drove up to Harvard with Joe and Harrison. "Mom, I wish Dad could've come. What kind of surgery did he have?"

     "Um, it was just a minor procedure to remove a pre-cancerous mole."

   Harrison accepted that answer and the conversation moved on, but Joe knew Jackie was lying because she started chewing on her nails for the rest of the car ride. After they moved Harrison in, Jackie said a cheerful goodbye to her eldest son and left him to enjoy college. She knew he bright son was going to love this school. On the drive home, Joe nosed into the procedure that Jack had. 

   "Jackie, what is going on with Jack?"

   She went to tell him the same lie, but he stopped her and so she spilled, "He has testicular cancer, Joe." 

    Joe pulled over and looked at Jackie, "Are you okay?"

   "Not really," Jackie shook her head, "I'm scared and he doesn't want anyone to know so I can't talk about it. Then with Bobby and Teddy the way they are right now..."

    "Aw, Jacks," he leaned over and hugged her, "I'm sorry. Whatever you need..."

   "I know. You cannot say a word to anyone."

    "I won't. I promise."

   A few months later was Thanksgiving. Harrison came home for the second time since being at school. Jackie drove up by herself this time to pick him up. When she spoke to him over the phone, he said he was bringing a friend home for the holiday. She parked outside his dorm building and then he came out of it and she saw his friend. It was a girl.

   "Hey, Mom! This is Anna. She's going to join us for Thanksgiving."

   "Hi, Anna, it's lovely to meet you," Jackie said popping the trunk for the kids' bags. After Anna placed her bag in the trunk, Jackie hugged her, "How are you, dear?"

    "I'm well! It's lovely to meet you as well, Mrs. Kennedy! Thank you for having me for the holiday."

   "Oh, it's our pleasure! Hi, honey!" Jackie spoke as she hugged Harrison, "Well, shall we get on the rode?"

   Anna and Harrison nodded and they got in the car. Harrison opened the passenger door for Anna and he climbed in the back. 

   "Anna, what's your major?" Jackie asked.

   "I'm a pre-law major."

   "Where are you from?"

   "Hartford, Connecticut."

   "I've been to Hartford before. It's lovely."

   "We're dating!" Anna burst.

   "Anna! We weren't going to say anything yet!"

   "Harrison, do you really think I didn't know? No young man your age brings a girl home that he isn't interested in," Jackie laughed, "We're glad to have you with us, Anna," Jackie smiled at her.

   "Mrs. Kennedy, thank you for being so welcoming."

   "Please call me Jackie, dear! You'll be spending the holiday with us after all."

  Harrison smiled in the backseat wondering if this is what his dad was talking about with the perfect girl.

   They pulled up to Kennedy Compound and Jackie's Secret Service Detail pulled in behind them. "Are those people following us?"

   "Oh, Anna, that's our Secret Service Detail. It's okay," Jackie said reassuringly. While you are staying with us, you will also have them with you and Harrison. It's irritating at first, but you'll get used to it."

    Anna nodded. As Harrison unloaded the bags, Anna whispered in Jackie's ear, "I'm very nervous to meet your husband."

   "Don't be. Jack is going to love you," Jackie put her arm around Anna and led her into the house, "Jack! Come meet Harrison's friend!"

   Jack came slowly down the steps. He was sore from his recent radiation treatment so he walked gingerly. "Who is this young lady?" Jack asked.

   "This is Anna. Your son and her are an item."

   Jack smiled and then warmly welcomed her, "Anna, it is nice to meet you."

   "You too, Mr. President," she choked out.

   "Oh dear," he chuckled a little, "Please call me Jack."

   She smiled, "Of course. I'm so sorry."

   "No need to be sorry. It's wonderful to have you. Why don't we go meet all of Harrison's siblings?"

   Jackie smiled and went to help Harrison with the bags. 

  "So, what do you think?"

  "I think she's lovely. I think you should go rescue her from your brothers and sisters."

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