Chapter 44

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    Jackie sat in Ethel's kitchen while Bobby, Teddy, and Ethel tried to calm her down, "He's such a bastard!" Jackie exclaimed, "He struts in here with her and says he wants a divorce. There are two people in this marriage. He doesn't get to call all of the shots and she sure as hell doesn't get to make any decisions about my life!"

    "Jackie, she's not going to have any say," Bobby explained.

    "She's the freaking puppeteer and he's the puppet."

    "No, he's the jackass," Ethel muttered and Jackie began to giggle a little bit.

    Jackie glanced down at her son whom she was holding in her arms, "Oh, Harrison," she sighed, "Bobby, I'm going to tell you something right now. If he wants a divorce, I want it done as quick as possible."


    "I hear by sign off on the divorce of John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy, effective as of today, August 31st, 1956," the judge stated and slammed down his gavel.

    "That's it," Bobby whispered in Jackie ear, "You're divorced from him."

    "I feel nauseous."

    "Pregnancy nauseous or holy-shit-I-just-got-divorced nauseous?"

    "Both," Jackie replied with a small smile.

    "Come on," Bobby said in her ear, "Let's go grab some lunch. I know a great little place."

     Jackie smiled at him and they walked out of the court room together. While they sat together at lunch, they discussed plans for Jackie's and her children's future.

      "I can't live with you and Ethel forever."

      "Until you have this baby, you're not moving out. Remember how sick you got while you were pregnant with Harrison?"

       "But I haven't been that sick with this one."

       "But I'm not taking that chance. Besides, my kid and yours will be about the same age. It'll work out."

       "I will have to be a big girl someday and move out, you know."

      "I know, but Jackie, you're like my little sister and I just can't let you move out knowing that you have practically two babies to care for. I just can't do it."

      Jackie rested her hand on her stomach underneath the booth. Her eyes grew watery, "I know, Bob. Thank you. I love you."

      "Love you too, Jackie."

     "Do you think that Jack realized I was pregnant?"

     "He's blinded by her. Dumb ass."

     "I never thought we'd be divorced, you know?"

     "I didn't either. Well, if it makes you feel any better, the Kennedy's are all on your side. Not his. My mother kindly asked him not to attend the Labor Day picnic this weekend."

      Jackie swirled a French fry around in a pool of ketchup, "How'd he take that?"

      "Broke Mom's heart. Didn't even seem to phase him."

      "He's changed and it makes me sick. I just wish I knew what happened or where I went wrong."

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