Chapter 2

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When they arrived at the house, Mr. Kennedy immediately smiled at Jackie, "Hello, there. How are you, Miss Bouvier?"

    "I'm fine, Mr. Kennedy. How are you?"

    "I'm well, Jackie," he laughed, "Bobby, are you trying to kill your mother?"


    "She was having a fit about dinner getting cold."

    "Sorry, Dad."

    "It's fine. No big deal either way."

    Jackie found her usual spot at the Kennedy table which was between Bobby and Teddy. "Excuse me," said a voice from behind her.

    "Yes?" she replied quietly turning around to face the person.   

    "I believe this is my seat."

    "Aw, Jack. Leave the poor girl alone!" Mrs. Kennedy called to him.

    "I'm just playing around, Mom!"

    Jackie turned bright red and her eyes filled to the brims with tears. She was a nervous girl. Her mother and her sister, she felt were always against her. She didn't need any extra stress even if he was just playing around.

    "Now look what you did, dumbass!" Joe yelled at Jack.

    "It's okay, Jackie," Teddy said as he handed her his cloth napkin to dab her eyes.

    "I didn't do anything!" Jack replied to Joe, "I'm really very sorry. I didn't mean to offend you or... I don't know what I did exactly, but I am sorry."

    "What happened?" Bobby asked returning from the bathroom, "Why's Jackie crying?"

    "I don't know!" Jack called out.

    Jackie put her head down on the table to hide her face. Just then Kathleen walked in.

    "What happened?"

    "I don't know! Jack yelled.

    "Dear, come with me," Kathleen whispered in Jackie's ear.

    Jackie stood up and followed Kathleen to her room, "Are you alright?"

    Jackie nodded, "I feel like such a baby. I don't know why I cried.

    "I know why you cried. You're in a house full of eleven people that you don't know that well and then Jack of all people decides to mess with you. I would've cried too. It's fine. Now, I'm going to go talk to them and then I'll come get you and it'll be fine."

    "Thank you."

    After a few minutes, Kathleen returned and then Jackie followed her back to the dinner table. At the dinner table, Jack sat next to Jackie trying to make up for the incident earlier in the evening. Bobby sat on the other side of Jackie being protective of her like a brother would be.

At the end of the evening, it was near dark, "I'll walk Jacqueline home," Bobby said.

"Are you alright?" Bobby asked as he walked me.

"I'm fine."

"Jackie, I think of you like a sister and I can't stand to see you so miserable."

"I'm not that miserable, Bobby," Jackier sighed.

"Jackie," Bobby stopped her.

She began to cry again, "I miss my daddy, Bobby."

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