Chapter 97

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         "Uggghhh!" Jackie grunted as a contraction hit her and Bobby squeezed her hand. They were on the floor of her kitchen completely alone. The whole family had made a weekend trip to D.C. and Jackie had not wanted to go and neither did Bobby. So they both stayed back.

        "The hospital said to come when they're less than ten minutes apart or when your water breaks. You're averaging about fifteen right now."

       "Where is Jack?"

       "I can't get ahold of him... I don't think he expected this one to come early. All has been well with this pregnancy."

        It was after all, only the end of March and the doctor told Jack that he thought Jackie would have the baby around or on her due date for sure this time. Well, he had been wrong.

        "Help me up," Jackie said and Bobby helped to lift her up underneath her armpits, "I need to get a bag and you need to keep calling Jack."

       Jackie very slowly walked up the stairs holding tightly on to the railing as she went up. She quickly threw a few things into a suit case and sat down on the bed as another contraction came. After it had ended, Jackie went back downstairs with her bag and looked at Bobby, "No, Jack, yet?"

      He shook his head. As another contraction came, she leaned on the wall and bit her lip.

     "Jackie, we need to go to the hospital."


      "Your water just broke."

    'Damn it! I need Jack!"

    "It's okay, I'll be here with you." They walked out the front door and Jackie held on to Bobby as they made there way to the car.

    "What if we can't get ahold of him before the baby's born."

    "It'll be okay."

    Jackie had been in labor for over six hours when Bobby finally got ahold of Jack.

    "Jack, your wife is about to have your baby!"

    "No, she can't be! I can't miss it!"

    "It's okay, Jack."

    "Bob, I need you to do me a favor."


    "I need you to stay with Jackie."

    "During delivery?"

    "Yes, she gets really scared when she's alone. It's fine."

    "Are you sure?"

    "I don't want my wife to be alone, Bobby, and not only are you my best friend, but your hers too."

    "Love you, Jack."

    "Love you, Bob."

    Bobby walked into the room just as they were about to take Jackie down to delivery. "Hey, Jack asked me to stay with you if that's alright."

    "Please," Jackie nodded through tears.

    "Why are you crying?"

    "I've always been scared of this part."

    "Hey, it's going to be okay."

     Just a little while later, Jackie was resting while Bobby was holding Jack and Jackie's newest daughter.

    "Hi there, little girl," Bobby whispered rocking her, "It's your Uncle Bobby."

    "Bobby," Jackie whispered, "How is she?"

    "She's beautiful, Jackie."

    "What are you guys thinking of naming her?"

     "After your Dad... Josephine Patricia Kennedy."

     "That's beautiful for a lovely little girl."

      Jackie smiled, "When will Jack be here?"

     "Very soon. Just try to sleep..." Jackie closed her eyes and fell back asleep for awhile until she felt a kiss on her forehead, "Hey, I'm sorry I missed it," Jack whispered.

     "It's okay, Bunny. Did you meet your daughter?" Jackie asked looking over at the bassinet in the corner of the room.

     Jack walked over and picked her up and then walked past Bobby who was asleep in the chair, "Josephine Patricia Kennedy," Jack said breathless, "She is absolutely precious." He sat down on the edge of her bed and Jackie looked at Josie.

      "Could we get any luckier?"

      "I don't think so. I don't think we could be any luckier."

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