Chapter 42

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    "Don't cry, baby," Jackie said as she walked into Ethel's and Bobby's guest room where she and Harrison would stay. Harrison was crying as he had just woken up from his nap, "Hi there, sweetheart," Jackie smiled at her son as she lifted him out of the basinet. "It's me and you, buddy."

    There was some noise downstairs and Jackie carried Harrison down to investigate. She saw Joe Kennedy standing in the doorway scowling. "I'm so pissed. Jackie, I'm so sorry," Joe growled as he barged into the house and hugged Jackie, "I'm sorry that your father's a jackass, Harrison."

    "Joe, I think we should discuss this."

    Jackie sat down on the couch and Joe sat down next to her, "How's Harrison?"

    "He's great."

    "What do you want to do about, Jack?"

    "I don't know, Joe," Jackie said beginning to tear up, "I can't believe he would do this to me. I knew he was womanizer, but I thought he had changed. Joe, our child was in the next room crying and he was too invested in the whore."

"Leave his ass," Joe told Jackie.

Her jaw dropped, "You're kidding? That will hurt his political career so bad. Joe, this whole family has worked so hard for him."

Joe grabbed Jackie's free hand, "I don't think he'll let you divorce him, but if you scare him that you will leave..."

"A bluff?"

"Yes, exactly. I know a great lawyer for you too."


"Me," Bobby said waltzing into the room. Jackie smiled at him and he sat down next to her and put his arm around her shoulders, "We're going to get all of this worked out."

"I'm so lucky to have you."


Two weeks later, Jackie was still living with Bobby and Ethel. Jackie found herself feeling sick. One morning, Jackie decided to make a trip to the doctor while Ethel watched Harrison. "How's your son doing?"

"He's great."

"How would you feel about having another child?" the doctor asked, "Because you're pregnant."

"You're kidding me?" Jackie said nearly choking on the water she was sipping at.

"It's very unusual for women to get pregnant so soon after having a baby, but it appears you're six weeks pregnant. I'd say you're due December 15."

Jackie smiled weakly, "Thank you so very much."

She stood up and left the doctor's office. After arriving back at Bobby's and Ethel's home, she began to cry. Jackie slowly moseyed into the house and sat down on the couch next to Ethel who was feeding Harrison a bottle.

"What's wrong, Jackie? Is everything alright?"

"Ethel," Jackie whispered, "I'm six weeks pregnant."

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