Chapter 83

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    "He hasn't uttered a word since he went unconscious," Bobby whispered in Jackie's ear.

    Jackie squeezed Bobby's hand as they watched from a few feet away. Jack held onto his father's hand, "I love you, Dad," he said kissing his father's head.

       Jackie left the room and Bobby followed her. "What's wrong?" he asked as she began to cry.

       "Just the memories of Jack in that state. They just came flooding back."

         Bobby hugged her, "I'm sorry, Jackie. I'm so very sorry."  

        "Nonsense, your father is the one in the hospital," she sucked in her breath and wiped away her tears.

        Another year had come and passed. Joe Kennedy used a whiteboard to communicate and Jack relied on Bobby and Jackie for memories.

       But on New Year's Eve of 1962, Jack shocked Jackie. "Jackie?" he whispered as they laid in their bed.

       "What's the matter?" She asked rubbing her eyes and waking up.

       "What if we make a baby?"

        "What?" Jackie asked sitting straight up.

         "I mean. We've always talked about having more and I was just thinking. Maybe it'll make me remember things from when our other babies were born."

         "Jack, that's a lot to spring on a person at two in the morning."

         "I know," he said quietly, "It's alright. Forget I said anything."

        "Let's do it."

        "Do what?"

        "Let's make ourselves a baby."

         The next morning when Jackie woke up she went down to see Jack sitting in his office, "Good morning, Mr. President."

"Hello, there, Mrs. Kennedy. Don't you look attractive in that outfit."

"You like it? I bought it at the mall, believe it or not. Just something to play around in."

"You're a tease," Jack grinned.

"How much time do you have Mr. Kennedy?"

"I have about a half an hour before my next meeting. Why? What are you up to?"

Jackie closed the door to the Oval Office and began unbuttoning her dress. Their lips were locked and Jackie had him pinned to the floor behind his desk.

         Jackie flopped over beside him and sighed. The door suddenly creaked open, "What the hell!" Jackie hissed in a low whisper as she crawled underneath the desk. She was buttoning up her shirt, "Hey, Jack," Lyndon's voice said, "What are you doing down there?" Jack was quickly zipping his pants and fixing his tie.

      "Oh damn it," Jack laughed, "My tie clip broke and I was looking for the pieces. It's from the wife and kids."

      "Do you need help?"

       "No, not at all. I found it," Jack replied quickly. He then sat in his chair and cleared his throat, "Now, what did you need to see me about?"

       "Well, I needed to talk to you about something a bit more personal."

        Jack motioned with his hand for Lyndon to have a seat, "Please, sit."

       "You and Jackie have had your marital problems."

      "Yes, but everyone has at some point."

        "Yeah, well, Jack... I done fucked up good this time."

       "What'd you do?"

        "I had an affair and she's pregnant."

         "Lyndon, are you sure about this?"

        "I'm positive."

          Jackie nearly gasped underneath the desk and Jack gently kicked her foot. "I don't know what to do. I love my wife. You know I do, but what kind of scumbag will I be if I don't provide for this woman and her child... my child."

Jack was speechless and Jackie flicked him and whispered, "Say something."

"Well, I see you're in quite the pickle, but I'm not sure why you've shared this with me of all people. We've never really been best friends."

"But I can trust you. I know I can. What if Jackie hired her as an assistant? She could live with the other workers here and I'd get to see my kid, you know?"

"I think Jackie would do that. Can I tell her the situation?"

"I mean her and Lady Bird don't get together on a regular basis so I don't think she'd slip and tell her. I mean... Whatever it takes for Jackie to hire her."

Jack nodded, "I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you, Jack. I really appreciate it. You don't know how hard this has been for me."

Jack just gave a weak smile, "Get me the girl's name."

"Pauline Baker."

"Okay. I'll see you and Lady Bird at that big dinner tomorrow."

"Yes. Have a nice day."

"You too."

          He left the office and then Jackie smacked Jack's knee, "Holy hell."

        "Wow, I had no idea what to say."

        "Clearly. Your mouth hung open for like five minutes."

        "So will you hire her?"

         "I guess. I mean what's the harm."

         "Who would've thought that dirty old man would have a mistress?"

          "He's the Vice President, Jack. That's why, but now she probably realizes how screwed she is."

          "You aren't kidding. I'll call her."

          "You don't have to-"

           "Hey, I'll take care of it. You go rest up for tonight."

           "I will," Jackie said blushing.

          Just as she was walking out, Bobby was walking in, "Morning, Jackie."

           "Good morning, Bob," she said with enthusiasm. After she was out of the office and Bobby has closed the door, he looked at Jack. He was smiling and his cheeks were pinkish and not sunken in his face, "You got laid."

          "Oh, shut the hell up, Bobby."

Love for a LifetimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora