Chapter 60

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     Bobby left Jackie standing stunned. He then pushed past Jack quickly saying, "Take care of the kids," and then dashing out the door.

     "What the hell just happened?" Jack asked after the front door slammed shut behind Bobby.

    "Ethel was hurt in some sort of accident. I don't know what happened."

    "So, the two of us are stuck here in Rehoboth with seven kids?"

     "It appears that way."

     "Well this just changed from a vacation house to a daycare."

      "You said you wanted a lot of kids. Maybe this'll talk you out of that."

      Crash! "Uncle Jack! David broke the lamp!"

      "Let the games begin," Jack mumbled walking away.

      "Uncle Jack!"

      "Hold your horses! I'm coming!" he yelled back.

      Jackie covered her mouth trying to to laugh at him, but she ended up snorting.

      "If you weren't pregnant, I'd so kick your ass right now." Jack smiled at her laughing.

     "No you wouldn't. That's why I call you bunny."

     Jack grinned and then went into the other room to clean up the mess that one of Bobby's children had made. However, everyone had a different story, so they never would know who really broke the lamp.

      That night Jack and Jackie were sitting downstairs. Jackie was drinking lemonade and Jack, a bottle of one of his favorite imported beers when the phone rang, "Hello?" Jack answered quickly.

      "Jack, it's Bobby. She's alright. I mean her arm's broken and one of her lungs was collapsed, but she's doing alright."

      "That's great news," Jack said giving Jackie a thumbs up.

      "Jack, can I talk to Jackie?"

      Jack quickly handed Jackie the phone, "What's up?"

      "Jackie, she's pregnant again."

      "Is it yours or..."

      "I don't know and she doesn't know that I know about the affair."

     "You have to tell her. You just have to. You're about to bring another child into the world with this woman. Don't let one mistake ruin your life. Bobby, you know what I went through when Jack and I divorced. You know that I would've given anything to have him back. It worked out for me. Don't leave it up to chance, Bob. Talk to her. Even if the baby isn't yours, maybe it's meant to be."

     "You're right. I'll talk to you later."

     "Love you."

     "Love you back, Jackie."

     Jackie placed the telephone back on the receiver. Jack looked at her with sorry eyes, "I'm sorry, Jackie."

     "If our stupidity can save someone else. Then I'm proud to be part dumb ass."

     Jack smiled and Jackie laid her head down on a pillow on top of his lap. Jack then stroked her hair while watching the news until both of them had fallen asleep.

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