Chapter 36

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      "Jackie!" Bobby yelled as he bounded up the stairs to her bedroom, "Jackie!"

       He found her sitting in the cold bathroom floor, "Oh, Bobby," she hiccuped as he ran to hug her.

        "Jackie," he held her tightly, "I'm so sorry."

          She cried into his shoulder and he held her in his arms. Jackie felt helpless and so did Bobby. He hated to see anyone cry, especially his best friend.

         When Jackie's sobs final slowed down enough for her to breath, she whispered, "I had better go to the hospital."

        "I agree," Bobby said and without asking picked Jackie up and carried her down the stairs and placed her in his car.

        "Can you get my robe? The press can't see me like this. I don't want Jack to even know. It'll destroy him after everything he's been through."

        Bobby nodded and ran back into the house, "Oh please," Jackie whispered as she rubbed her stomach, "Please still be alive."

       The car ride to the hospital was silent. When they arrived, Jackie walked in, but held onto Bobby for dear life. After countless tests, a doctor finally walked into Jackie's room with some answers.

        "Well, Mrs. Kennedy, how are you feeling?"


        "You have a right to be. It's been a very exhausting night for you, but hopefully you can leave with some good and some bad news."

        Jackie squeezed Bobby's hand tightly.
       "You were pregnant with twins. You miscarried one of them, but the other baby seems just fine. The miscarriage was most likely caused by some mutation of the egg during conception. This is quite normal. It happens to many women before they even know they're pregnant. Nothing to worry about. Now, I recommend resting for a few days and taking it easy this pregnancy. Any questions?"

      "No," Jackie said smiling, "Thank you so much."

      Bobby was able to have Jackie discharged and then take her home, "Well, how are you?"

       "I'm upset about losing the one baby, obviously, but I'm so overjoyed that I'm still pregnant."

       Bobby smiled at Jackie as he helped her up the steps, "Now, I'm calling Jack and he's getting his ass home to take care of you and his baby."

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