Chapter 58

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     Jackie stood up slowly and carefully as she felt her back crack. She groaned a little and then walked off the stiffness. After she left Kathleen's room, she went downstairs and found Bobby all alone in the kitchen, "I thought you had long gone to bed," he said quietly taking a small swig of his beer.

     "I laid down with Kathleen for a bit. She had a nightmare apparently."

     "About what?"

     "She's scared that Ethel may never come home again."

      "Jackie," Bobby sighed, "I'm not sure Ethel will come home again."

      "What do you mean?" Jackie asked.

     "I mean she's been screwing some jackass she went to school with."

     Jackie put her hand over her mouth, "Does she know that you know?"

     "No, I figured it out after she left for her mother's. I found a letter. Better yet, that baby she miscarried, that I've been mourning the loss of, might not have been mine." Bobby began to cry and Jackie walked over to the stool he was sitting on and wrapped her arms around him.

     "Oh, Jackie. I've never cheated on her. Why's she doing this to our children? Why's she doing this to me?"

     "Honey," Jackie whispered squeezing him gently, "I don't care what she does. Jack and I will be there for you always. I will be there for you always. I love you, Bob."

      "Love you too, Jackie."

      "Go to bed. We have a full day ahead of us tomorrow."

       "What are we doing?" Bobby asked standing up.

        "Who the hell knows! Jack planned our day."

      "Jack is about the worst planner I know."

        Jackie laughed and nodded in agreement. They both then climbed the stairs. Bobby held onto Jackie to make sure she didn't stumble and hurt herself or the baby. When they reached the top, Jackie let go of Bobby's hand and went toward the guest bedroom where she and Jack were staying. "Thanks, Bobby."

      "No; thank you. Goodnight."


Jackie laid down next to her husband after she had changed into her pajamas. "Hey," Jack said groggily as he felt the bed move slightly.

"Go back to sleep," Jackie whispered.

"No, I'm awake. How was Kathleen?"

"Oh, Jack. It broke my heart. She told me that she was scared that Ethel would never come home."

       "That's just a kid saying that."

       "Bobby isn't so sure."

       "What do you mean?"

       "Ethel's having an affair."

       "You're kidding me," Jack said as he put his hand to his forehead, "I'm sorry, Kid. This can't be easy for you after what's happened between us."

     Jackie put her hand up to stop him, "That is in the past. I've gotten over it and you should too. I love and trust you again. We've become stronger because of it. I'm having your baby, Jack, that's the most intimate thing you can share with a person. We just need to worry about Bobby right now."

      Jack smiled at Jackie and leaned over to kiss her cheek, "You've got brains and beauty, Kid."

      Jackie blushed, "Goodnight, my darling."

      "Goodnight, Kid. I love you to pieces."
      "Oh Jack, I love you more than you'll ever know."

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