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Ok so i feel like I'm being annoying for asking this but I was just wanted to know something. If I wrote a lil book about Spiderman (my sweet lil babe) and a character of my own, would you read it? 

Here's a lil somethin' something' from it: 

Tragic accidents befall unfortunate people. Was Macy so unfortunate?

She was supposed to become great. She'd walk on to the court with my team and everyone would cheer and scream and they'd win and be swimming in trophies. Her and her team.

That's what was supposed to happen.

Her life is completely over now. No leg means no sports. No volleyball. No her and her team. Her parents try and tell her that there's more to life than volleyball.

"You're smart and creative. You still have a future. Volleyball isn't everything." That's what they keep saying. Over and over, the same thing. But volleyball was her life. It was supposed to be her future. Now, what is she supposed to do? Even Flash is telling her that losing volleyball isn't the end of the world. She'd like to see him give up football. Asshole.

"I'm just saying, not having a leg doesn't mean you're just gonna keel over and die." Flash shrugged his shoulders as he looked down at his book. Macy knew he wasn't really reading it. He hated studying. "I mean you could always do art or something. Something with your hands." She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, I'll become a sculptor. I'll create huge statues that'll go up in art museums where people can go take pictures of them. I'll become the next Van Gogh." She mumbled, writing down the answers to a few equations in her math packet.

"That doesn't sound so bad." Flash flashed her a smile. Macy shot him a look and threw her pencil at him. It hit him square in the forehead.

"That sounds terrible and you know it." 


So yeah I don't have everything fleshed out yet, just an idea. But's probs not gonna be very long, maybe 20 chapters tops, and it's gonna be about a girl who's besties with Flash Thompson. She was in an accident and now she has no leg and stuff happens boom bang she's dating Peter. 

Just wanted to know if you guys would read it if I did write this. Thanks!

Also, I'll probs have the winner of the writing contest up in about a week or so, but if u wanna try and still submit something then I'll gladly accept it 'cause I love reading your guys' masterpieces. 

I feel like a bad person because I keep posting all this stuff after the book already ended without posting the next one I'm sorry it will be up soon. 

Love you! 

Glassy Sky (A Naruto Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin