A fight and A Turtle

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"You, with the unpleasant look! Wait a minute!" Rock Lee's voice was heard through the vacant gym area. Team Seven looked back to him. Sasuke, seeming to know it was him with the unpleasant look, looked up at Rock Lee.

"What is it?"

"Why don't you fight with me here now?" Lee challenged.

"A fight here now?" Sasuke narrowed his eyes.

"Yes." Lee jumped down from the ledge he stood on. "My name's Rock Lee. When asking someone's name, I'm supposed to give my own name first, right? Sasuke Uchiha."

"Hmph... So you knew?"

"I want to fight you!" Lee got into a fighting stance. "I want to test out how effective my techniques will be against the descendant of a clan reputed for genius ninjas. Also..." He blushed, looking to Yosuga who lifted an eyebrow. "Yosuga-sama. Love."

"Yosuga... sama?" Yosuga mumbled.

"You're an angel." He lifted his hand and winked, somehow creating a small heart to float towards Yosuga.

"What the-" She moved a bit to the side for the heart to float past her. "What are you doing?"

"You are good at it. Then, how about..." He winked multiple times, creating a group of small hearts. Yosuga pulled Sakura in front of her, using her as a shield. Sakura freaked out, trying to dodge the hearts while trying to get out of Yosuga's hold.

"Don't attack me with your hearts! That shouldn't even be possible! I was scared for my life!" Yosuga scowled, releasing Sakura after the terror had ended.

"You don't have to resent me that much..." Lee moped.

"To be honest, you're a naïve one," Sasuke diverted the attention back to himself. "Knowing the name of the Uchiha and challenging me. Do you want to realize what this name is, Bushy Brow?"

"I insist." Lee got into a stance again.

"Wait!" Naruto called. "I am going to take out the Bushy Brow, believe it! I'll be able to take care of him in just five minutes!"

"The one I want to fight isn't you. It's Uchiha." Lee rejected. Yosuga sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. These boys were starting to irritate her with their need to fight all the time.

"Everyone keeps saying Sasuke, Sasuke! It's annoying!" Naruto yelled, running towards Lee. He threw a punch at him, only for Lee to merely move his fist out of the way. Naruto landed on his hands and tried to kick Lee, but only ended up getting his hands kicked out from under him.

"Leaf Whirlwind!" Lee shouted. Naruto spun into a wall. Yosuga's eyes widened a bit.

"He's... strong." Yosuga muttered. Sasuke clicked his tongue at her words.

"I declare. You are absolutely no match for me." Lee declared. "Because, among the Leaf Village Genin, I'm the strongest now." Yosuga didn't doubt him, and made a mental note to train harder.

"Hm. Interesting, I'll do it." Sasuke smirked. Yosuga looked at the clock.

"No. There's less than thirty minutes until the Three O' Clock registration. Do this another time." She spoke.

"Don't worry. It'll be over in five minutes." Sasuke ran up to Lee, throwing a punch.

"Go Sasuke! You can do it!" Sakura cheered. Lee disappeared and reappeared in the air being Sasuke.

"Leaf Hurricanes!" Lee tried to kick Sasuke multiple times, but Sasuke dodged, looking like he was having a bit of trouble keeping up with Lee's speed. Lee landed a kick to Sasuke's face and sent him flying back. Sasuke stood up, a bit shakily, with the Sharingan blaring in his eyes. Yosuga put two fingers to her temple. They didn't have time for Sasuke to be getting serious in a battle.

Sasuke ran up to Lee a second time, but was kicked into the air. Yosuga furrowed her eyebrows. With Sasuke's Sharingan, he should be able to see all ninjutsu and genjutsu. If he couldn't see Lee's move, then that meant he was using taijutsu. As if reading her thoughts, Lee nodded.

"My technique is neither ninjutsu or genjutsu." Sasuke landed on the ground as Lee ran up to him, attacking him with a barrage of hits. "That's right. My technique is mere taijutsu... Sasuke." Lee got back into his fighting stance and appeared behind Sasuke. "You may not be able to believe it just like that, but..." Sasuke tried to hit him but Lee jumped back. "It's said that the Sharingan has the ability to spot all genjutsu, taijutsu, and ninjutsu. Make no mistake, the Sharingan reads ninjutsu and genjutsu that require the principle of building up chakra and weaving signs, and can most surely handle any jutsu. However, only taijutsu is a little bit different..."

"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked.

"Even if you can spot my movements with the Sharingan, your body is not equipped with the speed to respond to my taijutsu. In other words, even if you understand with your eyes, there's nothing you can do if your body can't keep up. Do you know? There are two types of strong people, genius types and effort types. If your Sharingan is a genius type drawing Uchiha ability..." Sasuke ran to Lee again. "I'm an effort type who has patiently mastered only Taijutsu." Sasuke threw a punch and Lee easily dodged it. "In other words, your Sharingan and my ultimate taijutsu have the worst compatibility." Lee kicked him into the air again. This time, though, Lee followed him into the air to hover just under Sasuke. "And I shall prove it with this technique. Prove that effort exceeds the genius. It's my victory!" Bandages came undone from Lee's hand, but before he could do anything with them, a pinwheel shuriken shot through the air, pinning the bandage to the wall.

"That's as far as it goes, Lee!" A large red and yellow turtle shouted. Yosuga made a face at the turtle as Lee spun and dropped to the ground. Yosuga looked to Sasuke who was falling and contemplated whether or not she should try to catch him. It wouldn't be ideal if he fell on something vital and got hurt right before they turned in their applications, but on the other hand, Yosuga would get a little amusement out of the Uchiha's pain. She sighed, running over to Sasuke just in time to awkwardly catch him in her arms before carelessly dropping him to the ground. He let out a grunt, sending Yosuga a glare. 

"Y-You were watching?" Lee asked, kneeling in front of the turtle.

"Lee! That technique just now is prohibited, you know!" The summoning scolded.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." Lee tried to apologize, before looking up at the turtle, who glared at him. "B-but of course, I didn't even remotely have a mind to use the Hidden Technique...." He panicked.

"Hey, hey!" Naruto ran over to them. Yosuga looked at him in question. Naruto pointed to the turtle. "That thing... It's a turtle, right? Right?"

"No. It's a whale." Yosuga sarcastically stated and crossed her arms.

"Isn't it obvious, Naruto?" Sakura questioned.

"Say! Say! Can even a turtle become a ninja teacher?" Naruto asked, still pointing at the turtle. Yosuga sighed, laying her palm on her forehead.

"Fool!" The turtle shouted, still scolding Lee. "You think such subterfuge will work? You should know very well what it means for a Shinobi to give away his technique!"

"I know," Mumbled Lee.

"Have you prepared yourself?"

"Y-Yes sir..."

"All right, if you will, Guy Sensei!" At the turtle's words, a man, looking only like the older version of Lee, appeared in a puff of smoke on top of the turtle.

"Man! Life treating you good, huh?"

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