Ambushes and Negative Feelings

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Team Seven, along with Tazuna, walked out of the village gates. Naruto ran ahead.

"All right! We're off!" He cheered, throwing his arms up into the air. Yosuga lifted an eyebrow at his eagerness.

"Calm down, Naruto!" Sakura nagged.

"What are you so excited for?" Yosuga asked.

"You see, I've never left the village before!" Naruto looked around.

"Hey! Am I really okay with this squirt!?" Tazuna asked, pointing to Naruto. Kakashi laughed.

"I'm a Jounin. I'll be watching him. There's no need to worry." He answered. Naruto quickly got upset at the bridge builder's comment and spun around.

"Hey, old man! Don't go around mocking ninjas so much! I'm awesome, you see! I'm a super elite ninja who will be called Hokage one day! My name's Naruto Uzumaki! Remember it well!" He pointed at Tazuna. Yosuga shifted her weight onto her other foot, antsy to get moving. She really had only left a note for her father, telling him what she was doing and where she was. Though scared it might somehow upset him, Yosuga didn't want to be around when he read it.

After a bit more arguments between Tazuna and Naruto, with Sakura butting in every once in a while, they finally got moving. Yosuga walked a bit farther ahead of the group, ignoring their conversation. She was more interested in her own thoughts. She had decided not to dwell too much on what her sister had said. She was sure Minami loved their mother. Maybe she was just upset over what had happened to her. Though it has been six years, shouldn't Minami be over that? Yosuga lowered her head. It's not like she herself had gotten over it though. They probably needed a better way of coping. Her thoughts were cut off as she stepped into a small puddle. Looking down at it, she absentmindedly shook the water off her shoe and continued to walk.

Not even a minute later, Yosuga heard the quick swishing of air. Noticing it obviously wasn't wind, she turned around to see what it was, only to see Kakashi wrapped in chains.

"The first one." One of the two ninja growled as they both pulled on the chains, ripping Kakashi to shreds. Sakura screamed.  Yosuga stood a step back, her eyes wide in surprise and fear.

"Kakashi-Sensei!" Naruto yelled before the two mist ninja appeared behind him.

"The second one." They muttered, flinging their spiked chains out towards Naruto who froze in place. Before they could wrap around him though, Sasuke jumped into the air, throwing shuriken at the chains and pinning them to a tree. He landed on the ninjas' arms and kicked them back. The two ninja detached their chains and went separate ways. One headed for Naruto and the other coming straight towards Tazuna. While Sakura ran to defend Tazuna, Yosuga darted towards Naruto, standing in front of him and planting both her hands into the ground infront of her. She was about to push her chakra into it when Kakashi appeared in front of them, wrapping his arm around the mist ninja's neck and pulling him back.

"Hey," Kakashi greeted, holding the two ninja. Yosuga let out a sigh of relief, relaxing and standing up. It sure would have been nice to know he was alive. She scowled, hiding the euphoria she felt in knowing her sensei was okay. Sasuke huffed while Sakura squealed in elation. Yosuga looked down, noticing Naruto was on the ground. Kakashi followed her gaze. "Naruto, sorry for not helping out right away. I got you hurt. I didn't think you wouldn't be able to move." He walked over to Yosuga, Sakura and Sasuke. "Anyways, you three, good job."

Kakashi watched as Yosuga stared at the two enemy nin. If he hadn't stepped in when he did, she would have killed them without the intention of doing so. Whether she knew it or not, her attacks were too deadly. She couldn't simply knock someone out, it's not what she was trained to do. He would have to work on that with her.

Sasuke turned to Naruto with a smug look on his face.

"Hey, are you hurt..." He asked. "Scaredycat?"

"Sasuke!" Naruto yelled, probably about to start something.

"Waaah, Sasuke you're so cool!" Sakura fawned. Yosuga sighed, rubbing her face.

"Naruto! There's poison on these guys' nails. We need to take out the poison right away. We have to open up your wound and leech out the poisoned blood. Don't move that much or you'll spread it through your body." Naruto looked down at his bleeding hand. "By the way, Tazuna. I need to talk to you."

The group stood around a tree that the two mist ninja were tied to. "These guys are chuunin-class ninja from the Hidden Village of Mist. They are ninjas known to keep fighting no matter the cost." Kakashi explained. Yosuga drowned them out with her own thoughts, again. It was by accident, of course, but what Kakashi had said about the two ninjas had made Yosuga remember something.

'They are ninjas known to keep fighting no matter the cost.' It sounded like something from her own clan. The Shimizu Clan. Basically a breeding ground for strong ninjas. Beginning their training at three years old, the children of the clan are carved like wood into what they are born to be. Being weak is not a choice. Especially for Yosuga. The second born in the head family is automatically destined to be head of the branch family when they become of age, which means they are pushed the hardest to be the best because they need to protect the head family. Using any means necessary to create a strong ninja, the Shimizu Clan is no stranger to cruelty, but they've never gone as far as to torture someone. At least not to Yosuga's knowledge.

Yosuga stopped as she heard the sound of a kunai whipping through the air. Her heart sped up a bit, assuming it was another ambush. Her attention was directed to Naruto as he stabbed himself with a kunai. Her eyes widened.

"What-" She was cut off by Sakura.

"What are you doing, Naruto!?" Her shrill voice shrieked.

"I'm never going to do something that will require someone to help me. I'm never going to be frightened and try to back out of things. I'm not going to lose to Sasuke. I vow that to this pain in my left hand. I'm going to protect the old man with this kunai!" He turned back around to face the group and smiled. "The mission is still on."

"Naruto, it's nice that you took out the poisoned blood so spiritedly... But you're going to die from loss of blood if any more comes out." Kakashi informed. Naruto looked down at his hand and started shaking. Kakashi smiled. "It's not good if you don't stop it right away. Seriously." Naruto freaked out. Yosuga sighed, rubbing her temple with her hand as she watched Kakashi take his hand and examine it before wrapping it up. That ninja ambush put her in a bad mood. Now she was a bit on-edge.

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