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"Aw, come on Kaeru-San! I said I was sorry!" Daichi whined with a hint of a smile on his face. He had planted a trap in the training grounds she had been practicing in and she nearly escaped with her life. He insisted it wouldn't have killed her, but she found it hard to believe after she had just blocked 30 kunai from hitting her on all sides. Followed by 15 erratically exploding paper bombs and two large logs that would have smashed her if Takeshi hadn't grabbed her at the last minute. "If anything, I was training you! It was a test and you passed! Yay!" Yosuga scowled, her back turned to him as her arms crossed over her chest. She refused to look at him. "I was watching the whole time! I knew it wouldn't kill you!"

"Liar! I could have died! I almost did!" Yosuga finally spun around, a furious look on her face. "I'm not trying to lose my life right before I graduate the academy, Daichi! And if I do, and it's because of your idiotic actions, I will make sure you live a life filled with vegetables and despair." Daichi paled.

"Okay, okay! I won't try to kill you before you graduate! Geez..." Daichi waved his arms in front of him. Yosuga huffed out a breath of air before stomping off. Takeshi simply followed her with a sigh, shoving his hands in his pockets. He muttered something about taking a nap, but his complaint fell to deaf ears.


One drop. One drop of blood trickling down Yosuga's neck before disappearing under her shirt collar. That was all it took to send Daichi over the edge.

That was all he needed.

Chakra seemed to burst around him, his sword instantly lighting up with lighting. The loud crackling sound almost painful to the cloaked man's ears. It was deafening, and only seemed to get louder as Daichi clenched his teeth. His emerald green eyes faded into a glowing sky blue to match the chakra that danced around him.

Fear sparked in the black-covered man's stomach, the goo loosening it's hold on Yosuga in the second he was off-guard. Quickly, gathering himself, a smile stretched across his pale face. He loved power, and the amount Daichi was emanating right now was... "Delicious."

In the blink of an eye, Daichi was behind him, an electricity-embedded sword swinging down on him. The man merely moved to the side. He didn't step or walk, he glided. Like he didn't have legs. The ooze moved with him.

Like a broken record, this repeated everytime Daichi tried to land a hit on the figure. Both were quick as a flash, and blue and black figures zipped across the mountain cliff. Daichi was getting even more frustrated, while Yosuga's heart beat harder. Quicker. Like it was desperately trying keep her alive. Her breath did the same, her lungs struggling to keep her breathing.

Even as her heartbeat slowed, it beat hard. It slammed against her chest. Stay alive. That's all she had to do. Keep breathing. That was her only job. Her breath became shallow and ragged. Her chakra was so dangerously close to being gone. The blood that seeped from her neck, wrists, ankles, and waist weren't helping in her body's mission to keep from shutting down.

It was too bad that she wasn't even awake. Her body was working all on its own, her consciousness taking a break for a while. Her mind stayed blank, the one thought circling her subconscious giving instructions to her body. Stay alive. Even if it was hopeless. Even if it was hard. Even if she may not want to.

Kami knows she had so many reasons to not want to.

Her father was ashamed of her. Her sister hated her. She barely remembered her mother anymore. Her one family member that insisted on never leaving her side was dead. She didn't have any friends that would miss her. She disowned her sensei. She pushed everyone away. What would be wrong with dying right now?

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