Teams and Crystal Balls

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Yosuga was walking calmly into the classroom when she was rammed into. Sharp waves of pain shot through her back as she stumbled foreword. She held in a yelp of pain as she stood up straight again, turning to face her attackers, giving them a cold stare. Her back was already in pain from her punishment the night before. She didn't need any more trouble.

"Ino. Sakura." She addressed the two girls who were now shaking with fear under Yosuga's glare.

"Y-Yosuga! We're sorry!" Sakura exclaimed. Ino nodded.

"Yeah! We didn't see you." Yosuga glared at them. She was in a bit too much pain to say anything more, let alone do anything. She wasn't exactly sure what the girls were expecting her to do, the way they cowered in fear, but the pain was irritating her, making her angry.

"Next time," She spoke anyways with venom in her voice. "Watch where you're going."

Closing her eyes and taking a breath, Yosuga decided to turn around and walk away rather than terrify the two any longer. She walked to her normal spot and sat down, leaning her chin on her fist in her normal position. Next to her sat Takeshi who leaned back in his chair with his arms folded behind his head and a smile on his face, until he saw Yosuga.

"You're injured." He muttered. Yosuga kept her eyes on the front of the class.

"No I'm not." She denied. He didn't say anything for a minute before speaking up again.

"You keep fidgeting." Yosuga didn't say anything. "Yosu-" He was cut off by a small but growing argument at the table behind them.

"Hey! I'm going to sit next to Sasuke!" Ino told Sakura as she held her by the arm.

"First come first serve!" Sakura retorted.

"I got in the classroom sooner!" Ino shot back, causing more girls to form a group around them.

"I did!"

"If that's the case, then I did!"

"I was first!"

"I'm sitting next to Sasuke!"

Yosuga's eyebrow twitched in irritation as she huffed out a short breath of air through her nose. The growing noise annoyed her.

Meanwhile, in a room not too far away, the kids in the academy were being watched by a group of jounin and the Hokage through a crystal ball.

"Is that this year's top rookie, Sasuke Uchiha?" A jounin asked as the ball focused in on Sasuke.

"Yes." The Hokage confirmed.

"The sole survivor of the Uchiha Clan?" Another jounin asked, to which the Hokage also confirmed. The ball scanned over the class.

"It seems we'll have some talented rookies this year with those Shimizu kids." A man pointed out. The other jounin nodded.

"The Shimizu clan. One of the cruelest clans out there."

"Their secret methods of strengthening their members do seem to work though, as seen from all the powerful ninja that have come from that clan." A woman remarked.

"But one can only wonder what those two have gone through. They're nearly on the same level as Chunnin already. Sasuke may be the top rookie, but those two are in a whole other level." Everyone agreed, while one jounin looked at a certain rookie in the crystal ball.

Naruto Uzumaki, eh?

Back in the academy, Yosuga was rubbing her temples in hopes to relieve her headache caused by the screeching of the fangirl banshees.

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