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A four-year-old Yosuga stood in the garden of the compound with a five-year-old Takeshi. She was studying the different types of herbs and flowers, taking note of which were poisonous and which weren't. Takeshi lazily followed her through the rows of plants, already knowing about every plant in the garden.

"Euc- Eucal..." Yosuga muttered with a frown, trying to read the name of a leaf in her scroll of plants. She had paired the leaves on the tree in front of her with those in the book, but was having trouble reading the name correctly. "Eucal-"

"Eucalyptus." Takeshi spoke, looking around as he wallowed in his boredom.

"Oh, I see." Yosuga smiled. "Thanks."

As soon as the words left her mouth, a dark figure fell from the tree, directly above Yosuga. Takeshi rolled his eyes as Yosuga merely stepped to the side, letting the figure fall to the ground.

"I don't even know why you try, Daichi." Takeshi shook his head. Daichi stood up with a huff.

"Come on! Already out the academy and I still can't get you!" The seven-year-old threw down his kunai. "How do you do it!?" Yosuga laughed.

"I can-" She was cut off by Daichi.

"'I can hear you breathing', I know." He scowled.


Yosuga struggled to push herself up off the ground, coughing a bit to relieve herself of a small itch in her chest. This fight had become extremely one-sided. All she could do was dodge and block. Every one of her attacks were evaded in some way, which annoyed her to no extent. Her chakra levels were lower than she wanted them to be, using multiple high-level Justus in an attempt to lay even one hit on Daichi. The most she got was a gash on his arm. She was no match for him.

Daichi pulled her up by her hair, earning a yelp of pain as he threw her across the cave. He was never one to quickly end a battle. He liked to "play" with his opponent before he finally finished them off. It seemed that this also applies when he is being controlled. Rolling out of the cave, Yosuga bit her lip as she stopped herself from falling off the side of the cliff. She pushed herself to her knees, shaking with exhaustion as she activated her kekkei genkai, her Rerugan being her last resort. She rarely used it, not enjoying the handicap she was met with after deactivating it. She looked up at Daichi, who was quickly walking towards her. Her gaze hardened as Daichi seemed to pause, watching her with narrowed eyes. Yosuga brought up her hand, pointing her finger at his left thigh. She knew he was hesitating because there would be no dodging this. You can't easily evade the blast of a Rerugan.

He couldn't use Rerugan. It was a bloodline trait, passed down only to those with the blood of the founder of the Shimizu Clan. He may be a Shimizu, but not by blood.

"Daichi." Yosuga tried to speak firmly, but she couldn't help the waiver of her voice at the end of his name. She took a breath. "I don't want to shoot you," she said, her chin wobbling. Tears pricked her eyes, either from fear or regret, she didn't know. "D-don't make me shoot you." Daichi blinked, losing some of the fire in his eyes. After a moment of silence between the two, Daichi finally spoke for the first time since he started attacking her.

"Yosu-" He took a step, and Yosuga panicked, shooting at his leg with a gasp. The chakra bullet imbedded itself in the skin of abdomen before dispersing into lightning, filling his body with electric shock in a flash. It lasted less than a second, his body jolting before falling hard to the ground, unconscious. Yosuga gasped, getting up as quick as she could and stumbling over to his body.

"Daichi! Daichi I'm so sorry I-" She fell next to him and quickly checked his pulse before moving to his stomach. She gently patted it, feeling for any abnormalities. She immediately regretted shooting him, and cursed herself multiple times. Burns littered his body, varying in degree. She could only imagine what injuries his torso had, being the part that had taken a direct hit. Luckily, he was still alive and breathing. That had to be the only good thing about this situation.

A dark chuckle from inside the cave caught Yosuga's attention. Her head snapped up, bringing up her hand, ready to shoot again. She stayed crouched by Daichi, an arm hovering over him in a protective gesture.

"Show yourself! Don't try and run!" She ordered in the strongest voice she could muster at the time. Another chuckle ensued.

"Oh but darling, you're the only one who should be trying to... run." The shadows from the cave began to move, spilling out onto the ledge and circling around the two ninja. Yosuga uneasily looked around, moving closer to Daichi. The shadows seemed to take a tangible form, appearing as black tar as it oozed from the cave, surrounding Yosuga and Daichi. "You know, I've been thinking. I'm working on a little... experiment, and I'm almost finished, but something is... Missing."

Yosuga furrowed her eyebrows, figuring he was talking about the gas Luka told her about. That reminded her that she needed to get him before they left. She swallowed hard, unsure of how to handle the situation. The strange black goo was foreign to her, and she felt it wouldn't be smart to touch it. She kept her kekkei genkai activated, not ready to succumb to her blindness just yet.

"My experiment doesn't exactly have the effect I... want. It needs a little... Kick." Yosuga let out a choked shriek as something wrapped around her neck from behind. It was the goo. When she tried to peel it off, more came to wrap around her wrists and torso.

She cursed as it lifted her into the air, bringing her near the mouth of the cave, as she looked back at Daichi, silently begging him to wake up. To help her. The goo seemed to not want anything to do with him, which relieved Yosuga. Though as she neared the mouth of the cave, a bit of the black ooze rose up, forming the figure of a person in front of her.

As the ooze cleared from the person, pale skin was revealed, along with black hair and a long grin, showing sharp white teeth. Their eyes were covered by a white cloth, and their body was covered by a tattered black shawl and pants.

"Could you be that... kick?" Yosuga's face was brought close to his, and her nose wrinkled at the smell of his breath. She scowled, bringing up her leg to kick him in the chest. Her foot went right through his body, getting stuck by the goo that seemed to make up his whole being. She pulled on it, but it stayed embedded in his chest.

He chuckled darkly as the goo holding her right arm tightened, cutting into the skin of her wrist. She hissed in pain as blood slowly trickled down her arm, into the sleeve of her shirt.

"Ah, there it is." His grin grew as he took a deep breath in, smelling the blood that escaped Yosuga's skin. "This'll do just... Fine."

"Fuck you." Yosuga's scowl deepened as she spat in his face. This made the man's grin disappear and turn into a frown as the goo around Yosuga's neck tightened. She winced as her airway was cut off.

"I could make your death as long and painful as I want, so you'd do well in not getting me... Upset." The man growled. Yosuga continued to struggle.

"I won't let you use me for your crappy experiments," she gasped out as the foo tightened around her throat. "I'm going to fucking kill you, I swear." The man only laughed, an black spots danced in Yosuga's vision.

Her head started to pound from lack of air and having her Rerugan activated too long. She bit her lip.

She had to think of something, fast.


Should I bring back Takeshi? I want to, but it's not really part of my plan for this story so...

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