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"Oi! Look what you did you urchin!" A man in a black suit yelled. In the small quarrel, Naruto accidentally threw his squid at a man's jacket. "You stained Leader's designer suit! You have to pay for it! Fork over100,000 ryo!"

"You're telling me that jacket costs 100,000 ryo!?" Naruto's eyes widened. Yosuga sighed, taking her wallet out of her bag.

"Yeah, it's pretty crazy to say a dorky suit like that costs 100,000 ryo." Jiraya raised an eyebrow.

"Wait, Yosuga! You don't have to give any money to these guys!" Naruto stopped her from handing over the money. "Why do you even have that much!?"

"Why not? I come from a prestigious clan, Naruto." Yosuga raised an eyebrow.

"But do you really need to carry around 100,000 ryo with you!?" 

"You better put a lid on it if you know what's good for you." The man in the black suit growled. Yosuga, thinking the statement was directed at her, huffed and put the money back in bed wallet.

"I was trying to be nice, but if you want to be mean about it then you're not getting any of my money." She grumbled. Last time she'd try to do the right thing.

"The leader used to be a Chunnin in the Village Hidden in the Stones. A legendary dark ninja, feared by all!" The man in the black suit boasted. Jiraya crossed his arms.

"Come again? Legendary what?" He smirked.

"You seem to want to get hurt!" The leader yelled.

"They sure are upset over a suit." Yosuga mumbled to Naruto. He nodded in agreement.

"Naruto. This is the perfect time to show you a jutsu. Watch carefully." Jiraya stood up and held out his hand. He gathered chakra in his hand and made in swirl around in a ball shape. When the leader stepped up to him, he rammed to ball into his stomach, making him and his henchman fly back into a game booth.

"Amazing!" Naruto said in awe. Yosuga couldn't help but be a bit impressed as well. It was a cool jutsu.

"I was holding back quite a bit. Man, you guys are so weak." Jiraya walked up to the two men who were now laying ontop of eachother in a daze.

"A-are you... The legendary..." The leader weakly started.

"Sorry we kinda wrecked your booth." Jiraya said to the booth owner.

"It was a lame booth anyway." Yosuga added. 

"H-here. Fix- it w-with this." The leader said, giving him his wallet.

"Oh. Thanks!" Jiraya paid the booth owner. "Would you mind if I bought all your balloons and water balloons?"

"Fine by me..."

And that's how they ended up with fifty-three water balloons and sixty-seven balloons.


"Finally! The mood is right for a little training!" Naruto cheered.

"Go Naruto!" Yosuga dully cheered from her spit underneath a tree.

"Don't you want to learn the jutsu too?" He asked. Yosuga shrugged.

"It's your jutsu to learn. Have fun!" She answered. She had decided to try creating a one-handed jutsu like she had seen with Haku back in the Land of Waves mission. Until she got bored and fell asleep.

"Here, Naruto. Water balloon." Jiraya tossed Naruto a water balloon.

"Huh? What's this for?" Naruto narrowed his eyes, confused.

"You saw that jutsu I just used, right? What did it look like to you?" Jiraya asked. Naruto thought for a second.

"Looks like you made your opponent spin violently." He answered.

"Okay, yes. Spinning..." Jiraya held up a water balloon and made the water inside move around to pop the balloon. "The tree climbing technique to learn to gather chakra in necessary places. The Walk on Water exercise to learn how to release a set amount of chakra. And now with this water balloon exercise, you'll learn how to create a stream of chakra, in other words, spinning. I'll give you a better explanation of the jutsu once you get these steps down. First, you must gather and maintain chakra using the tree climbing technique. Then you must continuously release chakra using the Walk on Water technique. Then, you push and churn the water in the balloon with the chakra."

"I get it now! Then you spin the water in the balloon faster and faster until it pops!" Naruto grinned.

"You're catching on more and more quickly!" 

"You're so smart, Naruto!" Yosuga blandly yelled.

"Alright, we're going to train until evening!" Jiraya continued, ignoring her. 

"Yes, sir!"


"Yosuga~" Naruto whined. Yosuga opened one of her eyes. "The balloon isn't breaking!"

"Bummer." Yosuga mumbled, closing her eyes again. "It's only been three days since you've started. You'll get it eventually."

"Three days is a long time, Yosu-chan! Help me!" Naruto whined again. Yosuga sighed, laying her back onto the ground. Sleeping while leaning against a tree did not feel good at all.

"I'm tired." Now she was whining. 

"Please!" Naruto stretched out the vowel. Yosuga groaned, turning her head to him. She held out her uninjured hand. 

"Let me see it." She grumbled. Naruto grinned and quickly placed the balloon in her hand.She jiggled it around for a second, squeezing it. 


"I don't know." Yosuga gave the balloon back to him. 

"What!?" Naruto freaked out. "You're a master at chakra control! How can you not make the balloon pop!?" 

"The same reason you can't, Naruto." Yosuga closed her eyes again and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know how." 

"You're a liar! You do know but you don't wanna tell me!" Naruto sniffled. "You're so mean!" 

"Sh." Yosuga pressed a finger to her lips. "I'm trying to sleep." 



Lol I feel like I haven't posted in forever. This chapter is a sucky one but y'know

I just published a oneshot book full of all the Yosuga pairings I've written because I am literal trash for all of them sorry not sorry

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