Focus. Concentrate.

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There were no kidnappings that night. No screams. It was peaceful. For a quick second, Daichi had even doubted that there was any real monster here. That the villagers were making it up. But it wasn't his place to doubt, it was his place to serve.

It was early in the morning when he came to get Yosuga. The sun was just peaking over the horizon. Yosuga had woken up for a couple minutes, but rolled off the futon when she tried to get up, falling back asleep.

She was laying on her stomach in a rather ungraceful position when Daichi walked in. Her arms and legs were sprawled out around her, like a child that had passed out after too much playtime. Her hair messily fanned out around her, obscuring any view of her face. She would cut it soon, as it was starting to pass her shoulders, which would become a hindrance. She had become too lazy to take the time to braid her hair like she used to.

She breathed rather slowly, in a way that was almost unnatural. Her chest slowly expanded for more than enough time before abruptly stopping for an elongated second and getting smaller as she exhaled painfully slow through her nose. Every one of her breaths was deep, and Daichi couldn't help but feel that it was a bit unhealthy.

Shouldn't she have sensed him by now?

He remembered back when they were younger and he tried to sneak up on her in an attempt to surprise her with an attack. She would always sense him before he got too close, which would annoy him to no end, and she was not a sensor type.

'Yosuga can hear you breathing.' She would say with a giggle as she stared at his pouting form. He would always roll his eyes at her way of speaking. He thought she was weird for speaking in third person like that, but when he asked her about it, she would shrug and say it was because of her mother. What did that mean?

She smiled back then.

She didn't smile anymore.

"Yosuga, let's go." He called, to which Yosuga jolted a bit, muttering a curse under her breath before slowly rolling onto her back. She sighed, sitting up and running a hand through her hair. Squeezing her eyes shut for a second, she forced herself up, energy coursing through her body. Daichi left the room with Yosuga in tow as she stretched her hands over her head. "We're moving out immediately."

"Yeah, yeah." Yosuga muttered as they walked out of the building. She looked up to the mountain. "What do you think is up there?"

"I don't know, probably some crazy old pedophile." Daichi shrugged lazily. Yosuga rolled her eyes.

"Or an S-Ranked criminal." She added.

"Either way, I don't have a very good feeling about this. Stay close to me." Daichi looked around the empty streets. He didn't expect anyone to be up so early, but some lights were already on in a couple houses with the faint sound of families shuffling around the kitchen. He always wondered what it was like to live a normal life, not having to fight and train every second of every day. What did they do when they were bored? What games did they play? Were they happy?

What was it like to not be a ninja?

"Oi, Daichi." Yosuga called. Daichi blinked out of his thoughts. "Pay attention." He looked up, seeing that the mountain was already before them. They had to climb the steep structure now. With a chakra infused foot, he stepped on to the crumbly mountain and started to walk up the side. He buried his hands in his pockets as Yosuga quickly started next to him.

It was a quiet walk, with Daichi lost in his thoughts and Yosuga bored out of her mind. She focused mostly on keeping an even amount of chakra on her feet. It wasn't a difficult task, but if she lost her concentration she would surely fall.

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