Sensei and Lee

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"Man! Life treating you good, huh?" The man atop the turtle was striking a strange pose, making Yosuga want to cover her eyes in horror. Kami have mercy.

"Whoa! An even more intense guy has appeared!" Naruto screamed.

"Yo, Lee!" The man smiled and gave a thumbs up.

"Those are some insane eyebrows! I've never seen anything like that in my life." Naruto commented.

"Hey! You guys! Don't mock Guy Sensei!" Lee spun around, holding up a fist.

"Shut up! I'm at a loss for a reaction because of those bizarre things appearing one after another!" Naruto shouted back.


"Hey, Lee! Drop it!" Guy waved a hand. Lee calmed down and turned back to him.

"Yes, sir." He nodded before Guy punched him in the face, sending him flying across the room. Guy walked up to him and kneeled down.

"Lee, you... you..."

"Sensei..." Tears started to stream down both their faces.


"Sensei... I... I..."

"Enough, Lee! Don't say anything!"

"Sensei!" Lee got up and ran into Guy's arms.

"Lee!" Guy cried as they hugged eachother. Team Seven stood in shock, creeped out by their actions. "Yes... this is adolescence!"

"Sensei!" Lee wailed.

"That sort of tone's kind of nice, too." Sakura pointed out. Yosuga shook her head with a sigh.

"It's okay, Lee." Guy and Lee let go of eachother for Guy to place a hand on his shoulder. "Mistakes come with adolescence. Don't worry about it!"

"You're so kind, Sensei!" Lee still had tears running down his cheeks.

"Now then, take a hundred laps around the training field toward that setting sun!" Guy pointed off into the distance.

"Yes, Sensei!"

"Let's go!" Guy and Lee started to walk off.

"Hey, wait a minute! We're still in the middle of the conversation! What are you gonna do about the Chunnin Exam? There's no time." Sakura called to them.

"Huh? Oh, that's right." Guy stopped and rubbed the back of his head before clearing his throat. "Lee, you will be punished for attempting to break the prohibition on top of fighting in principle, after the Chunnin Exam."

"Yes, sir!" Lee saluted him. Guy stuck his hand in the air in another strange pose.

"Five hundred howls of adolescence!" He cheered. Team Seven looked at them, bewildered.

"Idiots." Yosuga muttered under her breath.

"Say! Say!" Naruto pointed at them. "By the way, what's with that turtle?"

"You guys... how's Kakashi Sensei?" Guy asked them.

"He's speaking to us!" Yosuga whispered in a horrified tone.

"You know Kakashi?" Sasuke asked. 

"I know him all too well." Guy chuckled. "People call us... eternal rivals."

"That sounds like a lie!" Naruto shouted.

"What're you saying!? Guy Sensei really is-"

"That's fine." Guy cut Lee off, waving his hand. "Action speaks louder than words, anyway."

"What?" Yosuga blinked, and Guy vanished before appearing behind them.

"By the way, my record is fifty wins and forty-nine losses." Team Seven spun around to look at him.

"When did he..." Naruto spoke. 

"He's fast..." Sakura noted.

"One thing, I'm stronger than Kakashi." Guy grinned, giving them a thumbs up.

"How about that!? Guy Sensei is awesome, isn't he!?" Lee shouted.

"This time around, Lee caused trouble. Out of consideration for my face, please forgive him. Out of consideration for this pleasant face." Guy grinned.

"Oh he caused trouble alright..." Yosuga crossed her arms over her chest.

"You guys and Lee should probably go to the classroom pretty soon." Guy threw a kunai to the pinwheel shuriken that pinned Lee's bandage to the wall so Lee could rewrap his hand. Though not before Yosuga saw his beaten and battered hand, the hand of someone that had trained hard, nonstop. They weren't very different from her own hands, Yosuga noted. "Then, do your best, Lee! Farewell!"

"Yes, sir." Lee wrapped his hand up again. Guy disappeared, with the turtle doing the same before Lee turned to Sasuke. "Sasuke... I have one more thing to tell you. I actually came here to verify my own ability. I lied before. The strongest man of the Leaf Village Genin might be on my team. I'm entering in order to defeat that person. And, you are one of my targets. Please prepare yourself for the Exam!" Lee jumped up to the ledge above them before running off.

"Ah so... I guess Uchiha Clan's not all that, huh?" Naruto drawled.

"Shut up. I'll knock him flat next time." Sasuke clenched his fist, clearly angry.

"Ha! That from someone who just got whipped." Sasuke looked up and glared at Naruto.  "You saw it, didn't you? His hand..." Yosuga nodded, uncrossing her arms as Sasuke's glare turned into one of mild surprise. "That Bushy Brow probably did a heck of a lot of special training. Day after day. More than you have... That's all that it is."

"Hmph. It's starting to get interesting... the Chunnin Exam!" Sasuke smirked. "What's next?"

"Yeah!" Naruto grinned. Yosuga thought of her sister, who was also going to be in the Chunnin Exams. She still had a lot of training to do, but Yosuga was determined to beat Minami.

"Let's go then."  Yosuga started to walk away, to which the boys and Sakura followed.


When the three genin walked up to the double doors of the room they had to turn in their applications, Kakashi, who stood in front of them, stopped them.

"I see you all came. I'm glad. You're a team I'm proud of." He nodded at them before moving off to the side so the three could walk in.

"Alright! Let's go!" Naruto cheered as they walked in. Though, as soon as the door closed behind them, they were met with the hard stares of all the other genin from other villages. "W-wow."

"Indeed." Yosuga mumbled as she scanned over the crowd of tough-looking genin before settling her gaze on Minami, who was talking to her team with her back turned to Yosuga. One of Minami's teammates pointed Yosuga out to Minami, who's upper lip twitched as she awkwardly turned and looked over her shoulder at her little sister. They both stare at eachother for the longest time before a crooked smile breaks out on Minami's face. It was a rather hesitant and confused smile, like she was unsure of the reason behind her smile. Yosuga's stare darkened, taking Minami's smile as an insult. That Minami already knew what was going to happen, and that she hoped they were going to be able to fight eachother, just so she could humiliate Yosuga. As far as Yosuga was concerned, the only thing that went through Minami's mind was teasing and humiliating Yosuga.

Except recently, it's been the exact opposite.

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