Filler: Hugz

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Lol I hate myself


"Naruto?" Yosuga spoke. "What's a... 'Hug'?"

"Huh?" Naruto raised an eyebrow. "You don't know what a hug is?"

"Obviously not if I'm asking." Yosuga grumbled, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment.

"Oh. Well..." Naruto wondered what he should say. "I guess it's something you do to comfort someone, and show them that you care about them. You hug someone as a sign of affection, and tell them you love them." Yosuga wore a pondering expression before stopping in front of Naruto.

"Show me." She said. "Do it." Naruto's cheeks flushed.

"You want me to... Hug you?" He mumbled bashfully. Yosuga nodded widened her arms.

"O...Kay?" Naruto slowly approached her. She didn't like being touched. He knew that. So was it really okay for him to touch her? Or was this some prank and he would hit him when he got too close.

Eventually getting close enough, Naruto snaked his arms around her waist, hesitantly pressing her to him.

"Then, the other person hugs you back by also wrapping your arms around you. It's a rule." Naruto informed. Yosuga nodded, draping her arms around his shoulders.

"Like this?" She asked, tilting her head. Naruto smiled.

"Yeah." His cheeks grew even more red when Yosuga rested her chin on his shoulder.

"Hm." A gentle smile stretched onto her face. "This is nice."

She had to share this with everyone, now.


When a tired Sasuke opened his front door, he couldn't say that he wasn't surprised to see Yosuga standing there with a serious look on her face. He rubbed his eyes.

"What are you doing here so late?" He grumbled. It couldn't be any earlier than midnight right now. What was so important that she had to wake him up in the middle of the night for? Yosuga swallowed, a faint blush dusting her cheeks.

"I can here..." She spread her arms out wide. "To hug you."

Sasuke's eyebrows flew up in confusion. She stepped closer and wrapped her arms around his neck. What was this?

"You know, when someone hugs you, I think you're supposed to hug them back." Yosuga irritatedly said when he didn't make a move to wrap his arms around her.

"Why are you hugging me?" Sasuke mumbled awkwardly.

"Because you are someone that I care about. Isn't this how you express that? I'm expressing my love for you." Yosuga shrugged, standing on the tips of her toes to somewhat level their height. Warmth bloomed in Sasuke's chest.

For some reason, this stirred something in him. He didn't know why, but it made his eyes sting. He hadn't been held like this in a long, long while. She said he cared for him. She loved him. No one has said that to him for years. His clan was dead. Who was supposed to make sure he was loved, now? That he was happy, and cared for? It's been so long. It was nice be held. He pursed his lips, bringing his arms up to clutch the back of her shirt. Yosuga found herself a bit startled from how tightly he hugged her.

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