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A green-haired man stepped out of his house upon seeing Yosuga, a sneer clear across his face. He crossed his arms. Yosuga almost laughed at how obviously hostile he was towards her even though she knew he'd die before he said anything disrespectful to her face. He could hate her all he wanted, but she was still his future Head. His two kids, Levi and Levy, poked their heads out beside him. 

"It's Yosuga-sama!" Levi whisper-yelled. 

"Shut the hell up, Levi." Levy whispered back. Maseo and Yosuga paid them no mind. 


"Maseo." Yosuga greeted him with a dull stare. "I'm sure the Elders have informed you of your duty."

"They have. I am to train you for the next year-and-a-half." Yosuga nodded in confirmation. 

"All I want to know is when we start." She said.

"Tomorrow afternoon." Maseo answered almost immediately. Yosuga nodded again before turning to leave. "Do you expect to train with that arm of yours, Yosuga-sama?" Yosuga stopped. She had become so used to her dysfunctional arm that she forgot it was still injured. She immediately felt like an idiot for not asking Tsunade to heal it when she had the chance. 

"No." Was all she said, before she continued walking away, faintly hearing the twins whisper. 

"You are going to be training the Head, father?" Levy asked. 

"She's not the Head, yet." Levi interrupted. 

"No, she's not, but she will be, so I'll be training her for that." Maseo answered. 

"Cool!" The twins chorused. 


"Lee?" Yosuga's eyebrows furrowed at the sight of Lee standing on a bridge, tossing flower petals into the river. "Shouldn't you be at the hospital or something?" She wondered.

"Yosuga-san!" Lee's cheeks flushed, catching sight of her. Yosuga felt a bit relieved that he dropped the -sama. "Uh I probably should... but I'd rather be here." Yosuga tittered. 

"Yeah, I have a couple places I should probably be right now, too." Like asking Tsunade to fix her hand, for example. "Thank you, by the way." She said quietly. Lee raised an eyebrow. 

"For what?" He asked. 

"For back at the Forest of Death, when you helped me even though you weren't supposed to." Yosuga twiddled her thumbs. A grin appeared on Lee's face. 

"I said I'd protect you until I died, didn't I?" He chuckled. Yosuga chuckled too. She supposed she liked Lee when he wasn't going on and on about youth with his sensei. Their chuckles soon faded into a calm silence, until Yosuga spoke up again. 

"How are your injuries? Can Lady Tsunade heal them?" She wondered. This seemed to deflate him. 

"Well... there's a procedure I can go through- a surgery- but there's only a fifty percent chance of it working, and if it fails, I could die." His shoulders slumped. Yosuga frowned. 

"I'm not that great at advice, but I know I'd rather die than never be a ninja again." She tittered. "But your stronger than me. I have a feeling this isn't the end of your career. But don't take my word for it." She quickly said the last part, making Lee smile again. "I'm not the best decision maker." 

"Even if I never am a ninja again... I fought well, right?" Lee timidly asked. Yosuga exaggeratedly gasped, her eyes going wide. 

"Are you kidding? You were amazing!" She waved her functional arm around with a grin. "When you were zipping across the arena in the blink of an eye against Gaara, and breaking his sand and stuff- that was amazing!" 

"I was pretty youthful, wasn't I?" Lee was grinning too, now. Even though the comment made Yosuga roll her eyes, she laughed and nodded. 

"You were the most youthful ninja to ever fight in that arena." She chuckled. 


In the afternoon, Yosuga checked the hospital for Tsunade and Sasuke, but found neither. Her search for Tsunade stopped there, but she continued on to Sasuke's house. She really was ready to talk to anyone in order to not go home, so after a bit of walking and climbing, she found herself at his bedroom window. She knew he was still resting from his injury, so didn't bother knocking on the door, not wanting to make him walk. The window was open, so she easily slid it open. Sasuke laid in his bed, his back turned to her. 

"Psst. Are you asleep?" She whispered into the room. She got no answer. "Sasuke?" She heard him sigh before he turned over to her with a glare. 

"Not anymore." He hissed. "What are you doing here?" Yosuga smiled. 

"I wanted to see you." She whispered, jumping down from the window and closing it behind her. "How are you doing?" 


"That sucks." She walked up to his bed. "Scoot over." 


"Come on." She whined. Sasuke sighed again, scooting over to made room for her. 

"You should let the injured sleep, you know." He whispered. 

"Technically, I'm also injured." Yosuga slipped under the covers. "My hand doesn't work." 

"Then sleep in your own bed." Sasuke hissed. 

"I don't want to." She deeply sighed, finding a comfortable position to sleep in, on her back. She looked up at the ceiling, as did Sasuke. He understood. Though he had mostly gotten over it, he didn't really like sleeping in an empty house either. "Do you want me to go?" He thought about it for a second. 

"...No." This brought a small smile to her face. She took another deep breath. 

"Life sure does suck, doesn't it?" 



So this asshat on my bus puts his bags on the seat across from him and sit's with his girlfriend and takes up a WHOLE seat for just his bags, but then wants to get pissed when someone asks his to move his bags so they can sit. Like it's a pretty full bus and you're an asshole 

Don't be that guy

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