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"What!?" Yosuga asked, smiling a bit at the huge grin on Naruto's face.

"I have something to show you!"

"Really? Me too! You go first!"

"Okay..." Naruto quickly took out a water balloon, holding it in his left hand. "Watch this!" He spun the water in the balloon vigorously with his right hand, making the balloon pop. "See!?"

"Wow!" Yosuga had to force herself to look and sound excited. She was proud of him, of course, but she didn't want him to think she didn't care so she had to be a little extra. "Great job, Naruto! You did it!"

"Show me what you did!" Naruto's grin never left his face. Yosuga nodded.

"Okay, but it's not finished yet. I still have a lot to do, but it's getting there." Yosuga lifted up her uninsured hand, making half a handsign. She put her hand down, becoming a bit self-conscious. "Maybe I shouldn't do it... It's not very good..."

"No! Show me, I want to see it!"

"Mmm... We have to go outside first." Yosuga mumbled. Naruto nodded, taking her hand and dragging her outside.

"Okay, now show me." Naruto eagerly sat down in front of her. Yosuga gulped, her cheeks becoming red.

"Alright. You might want to get back. Way back." Naruto nodded at her words, making his way up into a tree. When Yosuga deemed him safe, she took a breath, making a handsign with her uninjured hand. Her other hand hung limply at her side. She didn't really know what to do with it yet. She closed her eyes. Slowly,   sparks of lightning erupted around her. "Denki Hana!" When she opened her eyes, they were a light blue. She slammed her hand down onto the ground. Pulsing waves of electricity flowed from her hand in waves, spreading throughout the clearing. They only went as far as two meters, but she was still proud of herself. She let out a breath as she took her hand off the ground, her eyes returning to their original color. The jutsu took up a lot of her chakra, and she wasn't anywhere close to finishing it.

"Amazing!" Naruto cheered, jumping down and running up to her. Yosuga gave him a weak smile before falling back onto her bottom. She wiped her forehead. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. It takes a lot of chakra." Yosuga panted. Naruto grinned.

"That was so cool, Yosu-chan! When your eyes turned blue I was a bit terrified, but then lightning came out of your hand and wow! That was awesome!" He exclaimed. Yosuga laughed.

"Thanks." She laid on her back, closing her eyes. "I'm gonna take a nap."

"Right here?"


"Right now?"


Naruto looked around. He was going to show Jiraya that he completed the first step in his jutsu, but didn't really want to leave Yosuga here. He decided to lay down with her.

He noted the smile on her face, even as she slept. It made him smile too. He was glad she came with him. He was glad she was able to smile now, even after the terrible things that happened to her.


"That Pervy-Sage, putting on a master's face only at a time like this, when he doesn't even teach me anything..." Naruto grumbled as they walked through the town. He had been told to get food, and Yosuga decided to tag along.

"You could always just eat the food yourself." She shrugged.

"Yeah, I suppose I could..." Naruto held up the bag, tempted by its ingredients.

"Dad, buy me some ice cream! I want the one that cracks!" The two looked over to see a young boy and his father. Yosuga immediately looked away, while Naruto just stared at them. The father bought the ice cream and broke it in half, giving a piece to his son. "Aw, why? I can eat all of it by myself!"

"Nope, when you get home, your mother will have supper ready." The father said, taking his son's hand.


"Let's go, Naruto." Yosuga muttered, rubbing her burning eyes. Naruto nodded, and they started walking back to the clearing.


"Are you okay?" Yosuga asked quietly as she wrapped Naruto's hands. They were back in the room now, ready to go to bed. Naruto grinned.

"Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?" Yosuga looked up at his smiling face, and frowned.

"You're upset that Jiraya won't watch you train." She said. Naruto's grin weakened.

"Only a bit. I can't be spoiled like a kid. I'm a ninja." He shrugged, repeating the words Jiraya told him earlier. "But, you're here, so it doesn't matter." Yosuga nodded.

"Yeah, I'm here." She said, done with wrapping up Naruto's fingers.

Denki Hana means Electric Flower because I suck at names. Lol idk what I'm gonna do if I ever have a baby.

Reading your comments is literally the highlight of my day you guys are too funny

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