Dead. Dead. Dead.

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"Daichi?" Daichi's heart dropped. He looked up at Yosuga's face. God, why did it have to be him?

"Hey, kid." He weakly smiled. Yosuga's face twisted into a look of pain as she slowly sat up. Daichi quickly put pillows behind her. He didn't bother telling her not to move around so much. He knew she wouldn't listen.

"How long?" Her hoarse voice asked.

"A week and a half." Daichi answered.


After a moment of silence, Yosuga seemed to jolt.

"My team. Sakura. Are they okay?" She turned to him. Daichi nodded.

"They are, but a lot of people aren't." After a questioning look from Yosuga, Daichi continued with a sigh. Might as well get it over with. "The village was invaded. Many ninja were killed. Like the Hokage."

"What?" She breathed, her face turning into a frown.

"And..." Daichi took a deep breath. "Yosuga..."

"Who? Who else, Daichi?" Yosuga pressed.

"...Boris. Your father-"

"No! How? Where's Minami? She must be-" Yosuga stopped, watching as Daichi slowly shook his head.

"Minami died too." He said bluntly.


"After your match, she was taken to the hospital-"


"And she died."

"Why- you're lying! She can't be dead too! She- I checked!" Yosuga clenched a fist, nearly yelling. Tears welled in her eyes. "I checked! She was still breathing! After the jutsu- she was alive! I- I checked! I did! I-I-" Her hands covered her mouth as her breathing quickened. A couple sobs shook her shoulders. "I checked." She turned back to Daichi, tears running down her red face. He flinched. "I checked, Daichi. She can't be dead." Hiccups distorted her words as her sobs grew louder. Daichi threw his arms around her, bringing her head to his chest. She screamed, and thrashed, and cried. The whole hospital could probably hear her. Her father, and her sister. Dead. Takeshi. Dead. Her mother. Dead.

Dead. Dead. Dead.

"I'm sorry, Yosuga. I'm sorry." Daichi whispered, tears threatening to fall from his eyes as well. But none would spill down his cheeks. He wouldn't allow it. "I'm so sorry."

"I-I didn't mean to." Yosuga hiccuped after calming down a bit.

"I know."

"I- The jutsu- I made sure she was still breathing- I did- I swear. I swear."

"I believe you."

"It wasn't meant to- she wasn't supposed to- I didn't think it would actually-"

"It wasn't your fault."

But it was.

She did it.

She finally beat her sister.

Except now her sister was dead.

And her father wasn't alive to be proud of her.

Everyone was dead.

Dead. Dead. Dead.

"It all my fault!" Yosuga yelled, and began to cry harder.

Her mother. Dead.

Her cousin. Dead.

Her sister. Dead.

Her father. Dead.

Dead. Dead. Dead.

Bam! Three updates in one day!

This one was ultra short, but it felt weird to try to add something else after everything that just happened in this chapter, ya feel?

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