Pain And... Pain

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Three boys stopped for just a second at the unrecognisable scream resounding through the woods. Daisuke let out a small laugh.

"Sounds like someone's getting their arse handed to them." A cocky smile spread across his lips and the three boys continued on.


Yosuga couldn't tell what exactly was happening, due to the ringing in her ears and her eyes shut tight in pain, but she felt the tongue loosen around her torso before letting go completely. She landed in someone's arms with a grunt. She grit her teeth and pried her eyes open, just so she could make out who was holding her.

"Naru-to." She tried to speak before coughing up blood as he landed on a branch. He looked down at her with ferocious red eyes. His grip on her tightened just a bit before slowly setting her down next to Sasuke. Naruto's gaze then went to Sasuke, who stood paralysed in his spot as Naruto glared at him.

"You... you were just going to let her die!?" Naruto shouted at him, practically shaking in anger. Sakura quickly made her way over to them to help Yosuga. Before he could open his mouth to say something else, the woman spoke up.

"That was rather easy. One down, two to go." She pointed her snake in their direction, and strikes at them. Before it could get to them, though, Naruto stopped it with two kunai embedded in it's skin.  He stood panting, holding the snake back.

"Hey. Are you hurt, scaredy cat?" Naruto repeated the words Sasuke spoke to him in the land of waves. "This stupid coward is absolutely not the Sasuke I know!" Another tongue wrapped around Naruto, pulling him up to the woman's eye level. She did a hand sign and thrust her fingers into Naruto's abdomen, knocking him out. She threw him away, taking their scroll from his pouch, and left Naruto to fall.

Yosuga's eyes widened as she rolled onto her stomach, holding her upper body up on her shaky elbows. She was in unbearable pain just by moving, but Naruto would die from a fall like that, so she had to help him. More blood built up in her throat, suffocating her as she watched Sakura throw a kunai towards Naruto, pinning him to the tree by his jacket before gently forcing Yosuga back onto her back. She forced the blood collecting in her throat out of her mouth, rummaging through her weapons pouch for her pain relieving pills.

"What- was that, Sasuke?" She croaked out. She face contorted into a deep scowl from the pain in her chest as she looked up at Sasuke, sitting up despite Sakura's objections. "H-how the hell... do you expect... to kill 'a'... if you're such a pathetic...coward?"  She pulled her hand out of her pouch, two small pills in her clutch. They were her last ones. She knew they would all die with Naruto K.O.ed, Yosuga handicapped, Sakura useless, and Sasuke paralysed with fear. She had to get Sasuke out of his trance, so they would have some sort of a chance. She took a slow deep breath, feeling and hearing the small cracks and pops as her chest expanded. She cringed in pain. "You plan on crying... and drowning the enemy... in your sad little baby tears... Sasuke?"

Sasuke looked down at her before balling his hands into fists and putting a serious look on his face. He had finally gotten his game face on.

"No!" Sasuke looked up at the woman as she smiled and her huge snake poofed away.

"Just what I'd expect from the Uchiha Clan. His blood has begun to stir." The woman observed, though as Yosuga popped the pain relievers into her mouth, she thought about how nice it would have been if Sasuke's blood was stirring before all this happened. "I should take my time and confirm his true power."

Sasuke took out a kunai and put it in his mouth as Yosuga painfully waited for the pills' effects to kick in.

"It's about... damn time." She muttered as Sasuke and the woman engaged in a rather short but intense fight, which resulted in the woman being burned alive.

At this time, the pain relievers had finally kicked in and Yosuga was able to stand up and move without excruciating agony. They didn't exactly help her problem, or heal her broken ribs, but at least now she didn't have to worry about not being able to move from the pain. She would think about what she would do when her pain relievers wore off later, since she didn't have anymore. She had used all the pills the hospital gave her for her injury in the Land of Waves, taking around six a day. Yosuga jumped down to where Sasuke stood hunched over and panting, while Sakura screeched at her about needing to not move so much. They all were under the assumption that Sasuke had killed the woman until she moved, stepping foreword. Yosuga's nose wrinkled at the skin peeling off the woman's face, revealing a golden eye and grey skin. She made a handsign, instantly paralysing the two genin. Sakura, stayed where she was, knowing she would be of no help when Yosuga gave her a 'don't move' look out of the corner of her eye.

"I didn't expect that you could use Sharingan this much at your age." The woman observed, her voice changing from feminine to more of an aged masculine tone. "You are truly a member of the Uchiha Clan. I do want you, after all. You really are his brother. Your eyes hide more ability than that of Itachi."

"Just who are you!?" Sasuke shouted, trying to move as Yosuga fought the legs trying to give out from under her. The woman (though now Yosuga was thinking that it might be a man, instead) pulled out her scroll.

"I, am Orochimaru. If you think you want to meet me again, desperately run to the top of this test." He burned the scroll in his hand. "Defeat the three Sound Village Ninja under my control."

"Oh please, who would ever want to meet you again?" Yosuga sneered. Orochimaru smirked.

"That won't do." He made a handsign, and his neck stretched as his head made it's way over to Sasuke's neck. His fang-like teeth embedded themselves in the skin of Sasuke's neck. Once his head returned to it's rightful place on its own neck, a small mark formed on Sasuke's shoulder where he had bitten him. Sasuke started convulsing in pain, holding his neck.

"Sas- what was that!?" Yosuga scowled at Orochimaru.

"A parting gift. Sasuke will absolutely come to me... looking for power." Sasuke fell to his knees as Orochimaru sank into the bark of the tree. "I enjoyed seeing your various powers."

Sasuke started screaming in pain and Yosuga ran over to him. "Sasuke... come on... you're okay..." Yosuga worriedly looked at the mark on his neck before trying to help him up. Her words didn't seem to reach him though, as he continued to scream. She placed his hand in hers, letting him squeeze the life out of it as she helplessly watched him suffer. What was she to do? Sakura ran over to them. "N-Naruto. Go get Naruto." She told Sakura, her eyes never leaving Sasuke. The pinkette looked around for said boy, only to find him in the same place she left him, hanging from a tree, knocked out before running over to him. The sun was setting, they had to get out of plain sight, Yosuga knew that. "Sasuke-" She looked back down at Sasuke to watch him pass out from the pain, onto her lap. She loudly sighed in exasperation. At least she had Sakura, she supposed.

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