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Idk if I should put a warning cause idk if you guys care or not, but just in case:

Warning! Foul language ahead!

Even tho I've used foul language before an it didn't rlly matter. Idk

"Wow, he looks terrible."

"Yosuga! Don't say that! He just... um..."

"Looks terrible?"

"No!" Sakura looked over at Tsunade. "Please, help him." Tsunade smiled.

"Don't worry, I will." She put a hand over Sasuke's forehead, her hand glowing with chakra. After a short moment, his eyes opened.

"Sasuke!" Naruto exclaimed as he sat up. Sakura hugged him, tears falling from her eyes. Yosuga smiled, but her eyebrows furrowed at the distant look on his face. She supposed he needed some time to recuperate. Naruto slowly walked out of the room, but gestured for everyone to follow. Yosuga raised an eyebrow, then remembered that Lee had to be healed.

"Wh-Kakashi!?" She gasped. She didn't know her sensei was also incapacitated. It didn't take long for Tsunade to heal him, but Yosuga just stared at him with a solemn look. With everything going on, and everything moving so fast, she felt like she hadn't seen him in so long. She found herself feeling terrible for what she said to him, so long ago. That she didn't need him. Though at the same time, she wasn't sure why she felt so bad. She never really saw him as anything more than someone who watched over her on missions, but now when he looked so dead...

A raven landed on the window sill, making Yosuga sigh.

"I have to go." She made her way to the exit.

"What? Why!?" Naruto asked.

"I'm being summoned." She mumbled, and left without another word.


"Now that you've returned from your mission, we can begin the meeting." One of the clan elders spoke before sucking on a pipe. The smoke he breathed out filled the air around them, nearly suffocating Yosuga. She didn't dare to cough. Not in front of them.

There were three elders. They guided the head of the Shimizu Clan, making suggestions on what's best for the members and actions that needed to be taken in order to ensure that the clan stayed on top. The one in the middle was Noro, with a beard that had long turned grey, reaching his waist. Whatever hair he had on his head was covered by a dark green hat that seemed to get taller the more you looked at it.

The second elder was Nora. She sat on the right of Noro, the lack of wrinkles on her face making her look ten years younger. Of course, that didn't mean that she didn't still look incredibly old. She used two senbon to knit what looked like a green and black blanket, but it was yards long. She never stopped knitting. Her grey hair was pulled back into a tight bun, so tight it looked like it hurt.

The third elder, Nori, was the youngest, but still looked just at old as Noro, who could be over a hundred years old for all Yosuga knew. His eyes were closed, as they always were, and his long grey mustache mixed with his beard, but only reached the middle of his chest. He held a mug of tea in front of his face, obscuring Yosuga's view of his mouth. Every now and then, he let out a weird hum, which usually made the other two stop talking for a second. He usually never talked, but when he did, it was something extremely rude or blunt.

Black robes with green seams draped over each of the elders, with their forehead protectors resting on their foreheads.

"As you know, the head of the clan died while protecting the village during the invasion." Noro spoke again, taking another drag from his pipe. After breathing out, he spoke again. "As well as the heir of the clan, during the final round of the Chunnin Exams."

"That was-" Yosuga was cut off by Noro raising a hand.

"We have no intention of holding Minami Shimizu's death against you, child. It was expected for one of you to die during the match, of course." He lowered his head. "Since it was not you-"

"As you know, the head of clan died while protecting the village during the invasion." Nora said, just now looking up from her blanket. Noro sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I already said that, Nora."


"You would know that, if you stopped knitting for once, you old hag." There went Nori's one sentence for the day.

"I'll knit for however long I fucking want, you piece of shit." Nora retorted calmly, looking back down at her blanket. Nori took a sip from his mug. Noro closed his eyes for a couple seconds, like he was counting to calm himself. Yosuga kept her stance, standing up straight with a stern look. She knew not to speak unless spoken to, even if they seemed easy-going. She knew they weren't.

"Yosuga Shimizu." Noro continued, opening his eyes. "Since you were the one that did not die in the match, and your father is also dead, you are next in line for the head of the clan." He took a drag from his pipe. Yosuga swallowed hard, her heart skipping a beat. She couldn't be the head of the clan. Not now. Maybe not ever. She wasn't trained to do that, Minami was. Minami was the heir, not her. "However, due to your young age, rank, and underdeveloped abilities, we cannot allow you to take on the responsibility of being the Clan Head just yet." Yosuga relaxed a bit. "Though you have been promoted to Chunnin rank, you must be of Jounin rank to take on the title."

"Then when do I take on the responsibility?" She questioned.

"We will give you one year and six months in order to allow you to mature, and learn the skills needed in order to take on the role of Clan Head." Nora answered. When Yosuga turned to her, Nora lowered her head again, looking down at her blanket. Yosuga wondered how long she had been listening, because when her head was down, she clearly wasn't.

"In that year and six months-"

"Ho." Noro was cut off by Nori. Nora and Noro turned to him, but after a minute of silence, Noro turned back to Yosuga and Nora put her head down again.

"-You will train and study your role in the clan under Masao Shimizu, and during this time, we three will act as the head of the clan." Noro sucked on his pipe more. "You are dismissed."

Yosuga bowed to them before taking her leave. When she was out of the room, she let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. She didn't want to be the Head, but it was now her duty. With the heir and the previous Head deceased, she was the only one left in line. If Takeshi's father was alive, he might have been able to take on the responsibility of his brother, but he had died on a mission before Takeshi was even born. She was all the clan had.

"Hey, Kaeru-san!" She heard a voice call to her. For some reason, the voice eased her, and she relaxed.

"Daichi?" She looked over to the owner of the soothing voice. He jogged over to her.

"Hey, you've been gone awhile. The clan was pretty pissed, you know. You just talked to the elders, right? What did they say?" He asked.

"They said I'll be taking on the role of Head in one year and six months, and until then I have to study under Masao." Her shoulders slumped at the mention of Masao.

"That asshole? Man, good luck." Daichi tittered. Yosuga rolled her eyes.

"Gee, thanks." She started to make her way to Masao's house when Daichi grabbed her shoulder.

"How are you holding up? Time away do you any good?" He softly questioned. Yosuga looked at the ground.

"I'm... I'm holding." She answered, before disappearing from his sight. He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

What was he going to do.

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