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"Stop, you'll get cursed!" Jiraya nagged as Naruto hung onto hanging streams of fabric. They had just stopped at a shrine to rest, and Naruto wouldn't stop messing around. Yosuga leaned against a beam, staring off down the road. She hadn't said much since they left the village, but Naruto would still talk at her every now and then. She usually shrugged or nodded at whatever he said. Jiraya peered over at her, but not a second later, he met Yosuga's eyes as she looked at him, feeling his eyes on her. A bead of sweat rolled down Jiraya's forehead as he looked away. She gave him the creeps.

"Hey hey, Pervy-Sage!" Naruto called. "What kind of student was the Fourth Hokage?"

"Well, I guess you could say that he was able to reach the strength he had because he was my student. You're lucky to have me as a teacher!" Jiraya answered with a cocky grin.

"...What?" Naruto frowned.

"Are you dubious?" The Pervy-Sage questioned. "It goes without saying that a good teacher will produce a good student."

"Then, then, who taught you?" Naruto asked.

"Me? I learned from the Third Hokage! Back when he was young and lively." Jiraya grinned. Naruto tilted his head.

"The Third Hokage... Young and lively?" He repeated. Yosuga couldn't picture it either. After Naruto's clones disappeared, he fell down the stars of the shrine, getting himself tied up in the streams and bells. "I... I got tangled up." He sheepishly laughed.


Soon, they reached a small town. Yosuga and Naruto waited outside an inn, captivated by a hanging lantern as Jiraya set up the room reservations.

"We're staying here tonight!" He announced, coming out with the keys.

"What!? I can still walk!" Naruto objected.

"A disciple's job is to obey their teacher." Jiraya recited. Naruto groaned.

"I just want you to teach me jutsu!" He argued. Jiraya's eyebrow twitched.

"That's was being a disciple means." He grinned before catching sight of a woman as she stopped in front of the inn. He and Naruto went wild, their eyes going big at the sight of her. Yosuga rolled her eyes. To her, the woman wasn't really pretty enough to completely lose yourself over. After a minute of the two ogling the lady, Jiraya dropped the key to the room in Naruto's hand.

"Here is the key to the room. Go ahead and practice chakra, train some, and go to sleep." Jiraya spoke to him, a grin still on his face. "Yosuga-" When Jiraya turned to her, he was met with her haunting gaze. He awkwardly chuckled, stepping away. "See you two later!" He ran off, leaving a fuming Naruto.

"This somehow always happens when I'm with that Pervy-Sage!" He grumbled as he sat in bed, practicing with his chakra. Yosuga sat in the bed next to him, squeezing her ball as best she could with her injured hand. "I wonder if he has any inclination to actually train me." He made a couple clones, filling up the room. Soon, they all fell asleep, leaving Naruto sitting there on his own. Yosuga shoved one of them off her bed, and it proofed away.

Suddenly, they heard a knock at the door. Naruto made his clones disappear as Yosuga got up with a sigh.

"What's up? Did she already dump Pervy-Sage?" Naruto questioned. Yosuga shrugged, opening the door. Though, when she saw an unfamiliar tall man at the door, she took a step back. He had black hair and a long cloak with red clouds. "Yosu-chan?" Those eyes were the same as Sasuke's. The Sharingan. The looked away from them, taking another step back.

"Stay back, Naruto." She spoke sternly, but Naruto was already right behind her.

"Shall we go outside?" Itachi asked calmly. After a quick glance at eachother, the two genin knew it would be a bad idea to disobey him. They stepped out of the room.

"Itachi, it'll be a pain in the neck if this kid moves around. Maybe I better chop off a leg just in case." The other man, who's skin was blue, spoke. Itachi didn't answer. He grabbed his sword. "Then..." Yosuga pushed Naruto back behind her. If he was smart, he would run, but of course that was too much to ask of him. She charged her right fist with chakra, preparing for an attack. Before she could go through with said attack, she was grabbed by the neck and held way too high above the ground. "You're in the way." Her left hand spazzed when she tried to grab the blue man's hand with it. She let it drop to her side.

"Yosu-chan!" Naruto called her name, but was too scared to do anything. These guys were out of his league, and he knew that.

"Oi, Itachi. We just need the kid, so it doesn't matter if I cut her to pieces does it?" The blue man asked. Itachi didn't answer. "Hey, that hand doesn't work, right? Maybe I should just cut it off, right?" He took hold of her left wrist with his other hand, and let go of her neck. As she gasped for air, he pressed his thumb into the small hole right below her palm. She grabbed onto her arm, but couldn't move. She bit her lip so as to not scream in pain, her face twisting. The blue man smirked as his thumb pressed into the wound, finally making her scream.

"Long time no see, Sasuke." Itachi suddenly spoke up. The blue man turned around the see Sasuke down the hall.

"Itachi Uchiha." Sasuke growled. Naruto slowly made the connection between the two.

"Uh, Sharingan." The blue man dropped Yosuga. She fell to her knees, holding her arm to her chest as she shook with pain. "And moreover, he resembles you a lot. Who the heck is he?"

"He's my younger brother." Itachi hadn't made one move to look at Sasuke.

"But I heard the entire Uchiha Clan had been murdered. By you." The blue man wondered.

"Itachi Uchiha... I will kill you!" Sasuke spoke. "It's just as you said. I held a grudge against you and hated you. For the singular purpose of killing you, I have lived my life!" He activated his Chidori, running down the hall in order to hit Itachi. But Itachi caught his hand, and redirected the blow. Naruto finally snapped out of his daze, making a handsign to gather his chakra.

"Ah, so this is the Nine-Tailed Fox's chakra." The blue man spoke. Sasuke let out a scream as Itachi broke his wrist. Naruto was about to perform a jutsu when the blue man swung down his sword, eating Naruto's chakra. "It'd be a pain in the butt of this kid started performing jutsus everywhere. Before this legs, should I cut off his arms?" Though, before the blue man could swing down on Naruto, a toad appeared before him, blocking the sword.

"You guys don't know me well, do you?"


Last night there was this wild thunderstorm and the thunder was like shaking the ground and it was hailing and the streets were flooding and everything

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