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Pls excuse my laziness but I was not about to write this entire fight especially when Yosuga barely does anything the whole time.

"Huh!?" Naruto gasped. "Yosu-chan! That's Kabuto, right? Right!?" He pointed at Kabuto when they jumped in to save Tsunade. Yosuga sighed.

"Yes, it is." She answered, narrowing her eyes at the boy who helped them during the Chunnin Exams.

"Naruto. Yosuga." Kabuto smirked.

"I see... so you know eachother?" Jiraya asked.

"Unfortunately..." Yosuga crossed her arms. She never really liked him in the first place.

"We took the Chunnin Exams together!" Naruto answered. "Why are you here, Kabuto?"

Though Kabuto didn't get to answer as Tsunade pushed Jiraya out of the way and engaged in a short taijutsu battle with him.

Barely a minute passed before Kabuto cut himself and punched Tsunade back to Shizune.

"Say! Say! What's happening!?" Naruto questioned. "Why is Kabuto fighting Old Tsunade!?"

"You're slow, Naruto-" Kabuto started, but was cut off by Yosuga.

"Don't you call him slow, four-eyes!" She defended, before turning to Naruto. "It's true, you're slow, but just take a look at his headband. He isn't with Konoha. He's Orochimaru's subordinate."

"That's why you're no match for Sasuke." Kabuto smirked. "You're right, Yosuga. I was a spy from the Village Hidden in the Sound." Naruto looked hurt.

"Wh-what are you saying? You're lying, right Kabuto? During the Chunnin Exams you taught us a lot, and you saved us." He voice wavered.

"Well, I wanted to gather data on you guys. Naruto, there's something I understood by gathering your data. You have no ninja ability. Unlike Sasuke, and even Yosuga here." Kabuto seemed to take joy in his words.

"That's not-" Yosuga tried to defend him, but Kabuto spoke up again.

"Yosuga, surely someone with as much potential as you would know a failure when you see one." He turned to Naruto. "Even with a fierce look, you're just a cute Genin who's a fish out of water. Admittedly, I was anticipating the monster dwelling inside you... But now with the Legendary Sannin around me, you leave something to be desired. You're just a puny zero, so if you meddle... I'll kill you."

"You little!" Naruto growled, running towards him in anger and quickly making three shadow clones. Yosuga didn't even bother stopping him, knowing there wouldn't be any use.

Kabuto easily took down the shadow clones, kicking the real Naruto right into Yosuga. The two flew back as Shizune spat two poison senbon at Kabuto. Though all he had to do was tilt his head for the needles to hit his forehead protector.

"Thanks, Yosu-chan." Naruto pulled away from Yosuga, rubbing his eyes of the blood that was splattered on his face.

"Shizune!" Jiraya spoke up when Orochimaru took off the bandages that covered his left arm. "You handle that guy with the glasses. I'll take care of Orochimaru. Though before that I'd like to have Tsunade do something about his body."

"The affects of the drug will still last a while. There's nothing I can do about that." Shizune answered.

"What!? Really!?" Jiraya sighed. "Geez, I guess it can't be helped. I have no choice but to fight in this condition. Tsunade, rest your body with Recovery Ninjutsu. Yosuga-" he was met with her gaze that sent chills down his spine, but quickly swallowed his fear of her. "See to it that Tsunade doesn't try to interfere without being completely recovered." Yosuga nodded, moving next to the blond Sannin. Though it's not like she could stop Tsunade from interfering even if she wanted to.

"Then... What about me?" Naruto hopefully asked.

"You guard Tsunade with that pig." Jiraya said.

"What!? I can fight too! Even I can..." He started.

"No, you can't! Like the four-eyes kid said, you're on a different level! The opponent is a Sannin, like myself, and the man who killed the Third Hokage. An eye for an eye... I'm the only one who can fight him. And that four-eyed guy possesses the same level of power as Kakashi."

"Okay! Then, Shadow Clo-" Naruto put his hands together, but Jiraya stopped him.

"Hold on! Don't use the Shadow Clone Jutsu. It'd be utterly pointless." He spoke. Naruto looked at him in question. "It wouldn't even act as a diversion. It's a waste of chakra with them as opponents. Now then, let's get this thing started."


Yosuga watched with wide eyes as Tsunade slowly aged, her young form wearing off. She supposed she would have been a lot more surprised if she just didn't watch Orochimaru's skin peel off. She crouched by an unconscious Naruto, her eyes taking over his battered form, and looked at her hand. She was completely useless in this fight, all because of her stupid hand. Her special jutsu wasn't even near being perfected, and she wasn't about to make a fool of herself if it backfired on her. She sighed. With all the sannin fighting around her, and Naruto even being able to hold his own, she felt... weak. Weaker than weak. It was pathetic.

"I'll return to my young form when I get some rest in town. When Naruto wakes up, we'll head back to the village." Tsunade spoke as she shook.

"Tsunade..." Jiraya softly spoke.

"Starting now, don't call me Tsunade. Call me..."


"The Fifth Hokage!?" Naruto shouted. They all sat at a booth in a small restaurant. He pouted.

"What, you look disgruntled, Naruto." Jiraya rubbed his chin.

"After all, compared to the old man, the Third Hokage, there's something... rough natured and kind of selfish, loose with money, catty and stupid... somehow I'm going to worry if she can do it properly." Naruto crossed his arms. Yosuga rolled her eyes, taking a sip from her drink. "Moreover, a fifty year old woman transforming into a young lady... is it okay for the person who will become Hokage to lie to everyone, I wonder? Yosu-chan, what about you? You can't be okay with this, right?"

"I couldn't care less, Naruto." Yosuga answered with a shrug of her shoulders, seeing the deep scowl on Tsunade's face.

"Go outside, brat!" She spat, getting up to leave the restaurant.

"Our food isn't even here yet..." Yosuga sighed, following Naruto and Jiraya as they got up to leave as well.

"Despite how I look, I'm going to be the Fifth Hokage. I shouldn't take this short brat of a for seriously but..." Tsunade lifted a finger. "This one is enough."

"Don't call me a brat!" Jiraya, Shizune, and Yosuga backed away from the two. "I may look like this now, but I'll be the Hokage some day!" Naruto ran at her, only to have his forehead protector flicked off. He flew back a bit, and closed his eyes in expectation of a flick to the forehead, but instead Tsunade kissed him on his forehead. She smiled at him.

"Become a find man." She said. Naruto looked at her with wide eyes, and he looked over to Yosuga, who gave him a thumbs up. He grinned.



lol it's been forever since I updated then I post this shit of a chapter whoops sorry.

But now that I'm done with this disaster I can now hopefully go back to updating like normal person

Just a reminder: the writing contest deadline is in a week or so. I look foreword to reading your master pieces!

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