Emotionless Killer

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Yosuga didn't pay much attention to any of the other fights that went on after Sakura and Ino's dramatic battle. She simply wasn't interested. Instead, she occupied herself with replaying Takeshi's death in her head, over and over and over again. It was torture, but she did it anyway. She was torturing herself, because it was all her fault. She wasn't exactly sure how, but it was her fault. Maybe if she wasn't so concerned about herself, she would have jumped in there and stopped it. If she wasn't so worried about being disqualified and punished by her father, he would still be alive. 

"Uh, Yosuga..." Naruto whispered to her, snapping her out of her thoughts. "It's your turn." She looked up to the board that displayed the names of the fighters. 

Akira Miyaki vs. Yosuga Shimizu 

Yosuga's lips pressed into a thin line, a dead look on her face. The arena was dead silent as she and her opponent walked down the stairs into the fighting area. Watching the Shimizu walk down the stairs, everyone already knew how this fight would play out.

Her eyes were hidden by her hair as she faced her opponent, who smirked confidently. Yosuga recognised her as one of Minami's teammates. 

"I sure am honored to be fighting one of the legendary Shimizu." Akira taunted, sarcasm in her tone. Yosuga brought her hands together, cracking her knuckles.

"This will be over shortly." Her words held no emotion in them, her declaration cold as steel as she took a stance. Akira took one as well with a scowl on her face.

"Yeah, with your death." She retorted. Once given the okay to begin, Akira darted towards Yosuga, a fist ready to collide with her nose. Yosuga caught it easily, holding her in place while she sent multiple kicks to her opponent's body with one of her legs. With one strong blow to her stomach, Akira flew. While Akira made her way across the arena, Yosuga created two shadow clones to flank the falling kunoichi while Yosuga herself sauntered towards her.

Akira flipped in the air, landing on her feet before Yosuga and her clones. She made a couple handsigns before spitting a large ball of fire at the green haired Shimizu, who jumped above the fire and gathered chakra in her hand. With her clones grabbing Akira, forcing her onto her knees, Yosuga landed in a crouch. When she stood up, Akira finally got a good look at her face. Of course, she knew what Yosuga looked like, but with her hair covering her face this whole time, Akira had been waiting to see her expression. Which turned out to be blank. Her eyes her dulled, and fathomless, peering down at Akira with no hints at what she was feeling. She was on complete lockdown.

Akira struggled against the clones as Yosuga walked towards them, her head tilted to the side, just a bit. Lightning crackled in her hand in a menacing way. It swirled and danced in her palm before condensing into a small ball, no bigger than a bottle cap.

"Since when could she do that?" Naruto quietly wondered. With the tensity in the arena, even the loudest knucklehead ninja knew to keep quiet. Everyone looked down at the fight in a horrified interest, save for a particular few. Minami watched with a bored look, but was actually quite interested. She didn't care very much for either of her teammates, so Akira on her knees with a fate so certain didn't move her. Her and Yosuga's father spectated with a proud smirk. Takeshi's death was just the push she needed to become who he always wanted her to be. Minami peered over to him with a small glare. She knew he was just loving this.

"Indeed, Yosuga is not someone you would want on your bad side." Kakashi spoke. It was meant as a joke, but as they watched Yosuga reach Akira, everyone seemed to agree wholeheartedly.

Yosuga stopped in front of Akira, repeatedly tossing her small ball of lighting up and catching it as she stared down at her opponent. By now, Akira was terrified. Her mouth open with unspoken pleas. Her eyes wide with fear. She had been meaning to forfeit for a minute now, but found herself paralysed with fear.

"I-I- wait-I-" She stuttered, staring into Yosuga's soulless eyes. She might as well have been staring right into the eyes of the devil. She shook with fear, trying hard to spit out any type of intelligent sentence. Her cocky demeanour had been completely washed away.

"Yosuga!" A scream broke the intense silence. "Stop this! This isn't who you are!" Daisuke shouted at her. "Doing this- It won't make you feel any better!" Yosuga didn't even look at him as she crouched down to Akira's level.

"I'm not trying to feel better." Yosuga spoke for the first time since the fight had started. She brought the ball of lightning to Akira's mouth. One of the clones held it open as Yosuga let it drop down her throat. "I just want to feel alive."

She stood up as Akira's body was engulfed in electricity. The clones disappeared. Yosuga turned around, slowly walking away from the screaming girl as she writhed and cried on the ground. While most of the spectators' faces contorted into one of disgust or empathetic pain, Yosuga didn't react to Akira's shrieks of agony. Neither did Minami or their father. A small crazed smile stretched onto a certain redhead Sand Ninja's face as he watched Akira squirm and cry. A couple others didn't show any emotion as usual, but just about everyone's stomach had somersaulted.

This is who she was. Yosuga had always tried to hard to get away from it, but she couldn't run from it forever. This wasn't a phase. This wasn't because of Takeshi's death. No one had pushed her into this. No one had forced her to do this. She wanted to. She always had, somewhere in the back of her mind. This is who she is.

A killer. 


Escape is suuuuuuch a good anime, you should watch it. It's beautiful. 

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