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Set during the academy days

"Hey, idiot." Yosuga deadpanned, looking down at Naruto who was soaked in spilled milk. The shop owner had pushed him out, claiming he was trying to steal, resulting in the milk Naruto was holding to spill everywhere. While Yosuga's non-absorbent jacket saved her torso, her legs were drenched in milk. She cursed herself for being so close to the idiot. She was only trying to get some ninja gear. "You got milk on me."

"Y-Yosuga!" Naruto' eyes widened as he darted up to his feet. "I'm sorry! I'll clean you up!"

"Don't touch me." Yosuga waved him off, shaking her legs a bit and walking into the store Naruto had just come out of. She bought two cartons of milk and walked back to Naruto, who was still rambling his apologies. "Shut up already." She handed the cartons to him.

"What?" Naruto looked confused, his eyes flickering between Yosuga's face and the cartons of milk. "But-"

"You need milk, don't you?" Yosuga muttered, averting her gaze. Her cheeks flushed a little as she pushed the cartons into Naruto's arms. "Just take them. Don't make a big deal out of it, you idiot."

The confused look on Naruto's face became a wide grin as he thanked Yosuga. "Thanks! I owe you one!"

"W-whatever." Yosuga's blush grew as she pushed past the blond. "Just stay out of my way." Her nose scrunched up at the gross feeling of her wet shoes squishing against the ground. "Idiot." She mumbled.


Yes it's a filler and I really should be writing the actual story but I just had an idea and I wanted to write so deal with it.

The new chapter will probably be here between next week and next year.

Love ya!

Glassy Sky (A Naruto Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن