Not in this Lifetime

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Jonathan wakes up to the sound of his phone ringing. He picked it up and saw that it was a text message from his best friend Luke.

You're late dude.

Jonathan then rubbed his eyes and looked at the alarm clock that he had in his room. The red numbers blinked saying that it was 5:00 am in the morning. Groaning he grabbed his phone and quickly replied.

It's only 5 am Luke I don't have to meet with Evan until 8 so let me sleep some more.

He didn't have to wait long for a response.

Dude the power went out in the middle of the night your fucking clock is wrong and your fucking late. Check the time on your phone idiot.

Jonathan just did and his eyes widen when he saw that it was 9:01.

"Holy fucking shit you should have woken me up earlier," Jonathan screamed down the hall and was just met with a slam of the kitchen cabinet.

Jonathan just quickly looked for socks and his shoes. He was up studying for a test he had in three days and fell asleep in a white t-shirt and some black jeans. Scrambling to get his shoes on he quickly puts on a baby blue jacket that Luke had gotten him and went straight for the door.

"I'll be back later Luke," Jonathan yelled leaving the door.

He checked his phone and he saw a bunch of messages he got from Evan. Most of them were just him typing bitch and or another name; or threatening him that he would leave. He saw that it wasn't too long ago since he sent his last one so he quickly called him.

"Yo Evan," Jonathan said once he answered.

"Don't you yo me where the hell where you. I've been waiting for an hour."

"Sorry dude. The power went out in my building and it fucked up my alarm. Luke didn't even wake me up until he knew that I'd be late," Jonathan told him.

"Well I guess, anyways I'm waiting downstairs. We can still get in there in time if we hurry."

"Awesome," Jonathan said entering the elevator and pushing the down button, "do you have my frappucino by any chance?"

"Yeah but it's melted as fuck now."

"That's fine it'll be more of a ice coffee," Jonathan said as the elevator opened to his destination.

He hanged up the phone once he saw Evan waiting with his venti mocha frappucino. He quickly took the drink from him and sighed happily as he took a sip. They then booked it too the parking lot and opened Jonathan's trunk of his jeep. They checked over the equipment they had and closed it when two neighbors were getting a bit too close.

"Alright everything seems to be in place," Evan said as they entered the jeep.

"Lets gooooo," Jonathan said as he took off from the parking lot.

Evan set the GPS coordinates and they were soon on their way. It didn't take long before Evan started to ask questions.

"Do you think our equipment might malfunction because the power was out at your place," Evan asked making Jonathan laugh.

"Nah I don't think so you worry to much," Jonathan said as he took a left turn.

"Do you think a spirit might have caused it because it was only your building that went out," Evan then said.

"You are one quick to notice. Probably, some people think of spirits as a form of energy, maybe some need to draw in energy from buildings which can cause a power outage," Jonathan explained making Evan chuckle.

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