First Words

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Request by @DiddlePie

First Words

"Brock can I talk to you for a moment," Lauren asked making him look at her.

"Yeah sure just let me put down Brian," Brock said as he was carrying their six month old child.

Brian had brown hair which he had inherited from Brock and blue eyes that he had inherited from Lauren. Brock cooed at the child who giggled at him. The child reached up for him which Brock sighed happily.

"I'll be back Brian I promise," Brock said kissing Brian's nose.

"A ba ba," Brian said making Brock giggle.

"Please Brock its important," Lauren emphasized making Brock sigh.

"Alright alright I'm coming," Brock said as he left the room.

Brock was hoping that Brian would be fine by himself. He just shook his head and walked towards were his wife would be. He smiled when he saw his wife sitting down on the couch. His smile turned into a frown when he saw there was a frown on Lauren's face.

"Lauren what's wrong," Brock asked and she looked at him.

"Brock this would be better if you were sitting down," she said patting the spot next to her.

Brock sat down beside her and she took a hold of his hands.

"Brock, we've been married for a good year now and had such a beautiful baby boy," she started making Brock nod.

"Yeah and it's been the best year of my life," Brock said making Lauren sigh.

"But I feel like you're tying me down," she said making Brock tilt his head.

"Tying you down? What do you mean," Brock asked confused making Lauren shake her head.

"Ever since we got married I feel like I've lost my freedom, but now we have a child and I feel like I'm never going to escape this prison," she said.

"Why didn't you ever say anything," Brock said softly making Lauren sigh once more.

"Because I was afraid of your reaction," she said making Brock frown.

"Alright we can do this, I can stay home more often to take care of Brian," Brock said making Lauren smile softly.

"I'm sorry Brock but that's not what I had in mind," she said and soon a honk was outside.

Brock jumped in shock but got up to see what the noise was. His eyes widen when he saw her dad waiting outside. Somehow he knew he was watching because he saw the man smirk at him. Brock turned back to Lauren now noticing how empty the house looked.

"You're just going to up and leave," Brock exclaimed not believing that it's actually happening.

"I'm sorry Brock," she said as she gripped her suitcase.

"So you're just going to leave me and your six month old son, to just because you feel trapped," Brock said angrily noticing the bullshit in her reason.

"I promise Brock once I find my happiness I'll come back," Lauren said trying to comfort him.

"No if you leave that door don't bother coming back because you'll just feel trapped again," Brock said making Lauren frown.

"I still love you Brock," Lauren said as she made her way towards the door.

"If you loved me then you wouldn't be leaving," Brock said in return making Lauren release a small sob.

She opened the door and looked back at Brock. She could see tears running down Brock's face and she just turned away. She left out the door, letting it close behind her. Brock then collapsed to his knees and put his hands over his face. He didn't know how long he was there but he heard the cries of Brian.

Brock got up and he walked towards the noise was. He then opened the door and he saw Brian pulling himself up on his crib. Brock chuckled which made Brian stop talking.

"A ba," Brian said but he fell backwards making him cry.

"Shh it's okay daddy's here," Brock said picking him up.

Brian immediately calmed down and snuggled into his hold. Brock smiled softly and kissed his forehead. Brian noticed that there was water coming down his father's face. He reached up and softly patted his cheek stopping a tear in its track. Brock looked down at his son a little bit shocked.

"Da," Brian said cheerfully completely shocking Brock.

"What did you say," Brock asked.

"Da," Brian said once again making Brock smile.

"Yeah Brian I'm da," Brock said.

"Da da da," Brian said excitedly making Brock laugh.

"Even though your mom is gone I'll always be here," Brock said softly knowing that Brian wouldn't understand him.

"Daaaa," Brian said happily patting his father's cheeks once more.

"We'll be just fine," Brock said kissing Brian's forehead.

No hate for Lauren she's a doll and perfect for Brock ❤️ i hope you like father and son's relationships. I also wrote this because I just reached 700 followers that's amazing thank you all

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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