Craig's Birthday Shot

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Craig's POV:

"HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY CRAIG," the guys screamed making me smile happily.

I'm with the guys and they all decided that they had to take me to a bar. And of course the bar of their choosing would be a fucking gay bar. I mean where all gay here for each other. Currently Brock is trying to stop Jonathan from murdering Evan with his groping.

Brian smiles from afar as he watches the three, currently in the arms of Marcel. Marcel is resting his head on David who is currently sucking on Lui's neck. Like is holding hands with Arlan who is currently holding hands with Lui. I'm standing next to Tyler as he's helping me cut my cake. I giggled as he fed me a piece of cake.

"Happy birthday yah British fuck," he said as I wiped my face with a napkin.

"Thanks," I said and we heard Brock calling.

"Guys help me."

Tyler chuckles as he leaves my side going to help out our struggling Brock trying to keep Jonathan at bay. Tyler quickly lifts Jonathan from the back and he puts his face in the neck. I can see Tyler talking to Jonathan and his face goes from angry to a blushing one.

Brock sighs in relief but wasn't until Evan pulled him to a kiss which I smiled at. We all have different personalities and yet we all fit one.

"David stop we have to buy Craig his first drink it's his night after all," Lui said finally breaking free from the hold and drags Arlan and Luke with him.

"Yeah as the youngest of our group what would you like," Evan said as the rest of the guys came.

"Bitch let's just get drunk," I cheered making the guys laugh.

After that the next 30 minutes were just a blur as we got many drinks to try. In the end Evan and Marcel had pinned Jonathan to the wall and making out with him. Meanwhile Brock and Lui were grinding on each other. David and Brian were the least effected for being their Irish nature. Tyler and Me hadn't had hat much and Arlan and Luke were slightly drunk.

"Hey I'm going to order another drink," I said really wanting a margarita.

"Yeah sure I'll try to make sure they don't start fucking each other at the moment," he said as Jonathan's button up shirt was slowly becoming unbutton.

"Alright," I said heading to the bar.

I asked for the drink and the guy nods starting to make it. I sat at the bar and I heard bells jingle. I looked towards the door and a group of guys came walking in. They were looking around the club and one of them looked straight at me. I looked away as the Bartender brought me my drink.

"Hey what's a cutie here doing by yourself," somebody said and I turned to look at the guy who was staring at me earlier.

I looked back of him to see his friends smiling and talking, probably about how he's going to get a score right now.

"I'm actually here with my friends," I said taking a sip of my drink.

"Well that's cool I'm Josh, can I have your name and maybe your number or else I'm going to have to keep calling you Cutie," he said and winked at me.

"Consider calling me cutie because I'm not giving you anything," I said and he smirks.

"Your different from the others, I like a guy with sass Cutie," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Your just looking for a one night stand I've seen guys do this with both genders," I said taking another sip.

"I'm not playing any game Cutie don't worry I'm not like them," he said and I scoffed.

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