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My birthday was on Tuesday and yes I could say it was an awesome day. I went to school, I ate lunch with my sister and my niece. I bought supplies to make cupcakes and I was ready to end the night with cake.

The thing is I didn't get a cake. None of my family came over to tell me happy birthday. I didn't cut a cake or even eat any. I just stayed home the rest of the night and just fell asleep on the bed.... I guess exhausted.

The next day comes and most of my family comes and they wish me a happy birthday. I think some didn't even know when it was.... I got money from them which was nice but I didn't get any cake.

I then hope for Friday because every year at this thing I go to I always get a cake... and in the end I didn't. I know I'm being selfish but it's the first time I didn't get any cake for my birthday.

I feel like no one cares enough to get me one. The rest of my siblings got cake when it was their birthday. I made cupcakes but it isn't the same from getting an actual cake from my family. I know my moms sick and I should worry about her  but I have feelings too. Not ones that I can bottle up and push aside.

.... sorry for this


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