Reality Hurts: Story Idea

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Hey guys another story idea from yours truly. I got it when I was on skype with lazylogs, LazerKitten, DeliriouslyFair, Puerto_Ricochet, and I think C00kiez23, there was probably more but you know my memory is terrible XD

 I got it when I was on skype with lazylogs, LazerKitten, DeliriouslyFair, Puerto_Ricochet, and I think C00kiez23, there was probably more but you know my memory is terrible XD

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Yes it's VanSnuckel, Vanoo, whatever you want to call Vanoss x Moo story. Yeah hopefully I'll have it done by some time in April. So yeah a sneak peak for you enjoy

Story Info:

Brock's POV:

When I was born... with my conditions, my parents thought this was extraordinary. It could have happened to anyone and yet it had happened to me. But they didn't want anyone to know and they kept it a secret from everybody.... Including me.

So I grew up not knowing my condition until I had told them I was gay. They explained it all to me and I was shocked to say the least. But I believed them... Sort of. It was like I sort of believe you but I know your lying.

I then met Evan when I was off to college. He was everything I could have ever asked for. And I was to him. But then one faithful night we made love and my whole life changed. Reality hit me hard and I had to face the consequences that I had made.

I should have listened but I didn't. Now I have to face it and I've learned that Reality Hurts.

So with lots of love 💛



Bus ShippingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora