Rest of Our Lives

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Rest of Our Lives

~Play Song here~

Sunlight, was the first thing Brian saw when He had opened eyes. It was creeping in from the curtain as the sun was coming over the horizon. Groaning, he rubbed his eyes trying to get his mind cleared. But him moving, made the sleepy body on top of him slowly wake up. When Brian finished rubbing them, he looked down and he was met with sleepy hazelnut eyes.

Brian smiled sweetly as Brock gave him such a sleepy smile. Brock pulled himself up so he can plant another kiss on his lover's lips, apart from the ones he had given him last night. Brian, not wanting to get up, wrapped his arms around Brock's waist. Not protesting at all, Brock let his head rest on Brian's chest.

Brian seeing the sunlight light up the room a bit more, he could see the sweat and other liquids shine upon their skin. Brock idly started to draw random shapes on Brian's chest as he was thinking about last night. The same thought in Brian's mind, as he wanted to relive every moment that had happened that night.

Sunlight comes creeping in
Illuminates our skin
We watch the day go by
Stories of all we did
It made me think of you
It made me think of you


Brian was slowly tracing the chest of Brock's as they were both breathing heavily. They had broken a very heated kiss, and it gave him time to feel every nook and cranny of his lover's chest. He could feel the musk heavily in the room as there was sweat rolling down both of their chest. Wanting to taste the saltiness of the sweat, Brian put his tongue on Brock's belly and slowly dragged it up to his neck savoring the taste.

Brock shivered under the tongue as it was wet and getting rougher and rougher as it slowly reached his neck. Brian pulling Brock into another heated kiss, let his hands wonder down the chest he had tasted before. Brock moaned at how soft Brian was treating him, like he was a porcelain doll that was going to break if he was a little too rough.

Breaking the kiss, Brian made his way to the neck once again. Finding a spot that couldn't be very hidden, he starting nipping at the part hoping to leave his mark. Brock, feeling a bit left out, let his hands grab the ever so hard member that belonged to his Irish lover. Brian gasped, stopping from completing what he had started. Brock smirked and decide to make a mark of his own.

Under a trillion stars
We danced on top of cars
Took pictures of the stage
So far from where we are
They made me think of you
They made me think of you

Feeling like jelly in his American lovers arms, Brian could only pant as he felt soft hands rub up and down on his exposed member. Feeling satisfied with the mark, Brock stopped his teasing. Brian breathes heavily and just stared down and Brock's innocent looking face. Smirking he continued what he was doing but inserted two fingers, scissoring the entrance.

Brock gasped feeling the punishment for doing what he had done to Brian. Moaning and groaning from the rough and yet soft treatment. Once he had approved of his mark, he made his way down placing light butterfly kisses. Once reaching his naval, Brian slid his tongue in and out of it getting another moan from Brock. Finally reaching to Brock's member, he inserted another finger and placed a light kiss on the tip.

Wanting to pleasure him a bit more before he goes in, Brian started to do his own teasing by licking from his tip to his V-line. Brock felt defenseless as he wanted to force himself down on the fingers that were inside of him. Brian then deep throated Brock's member and moaned as he felt the salty pre cum go down his throat.

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