First Date

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First Date ~ Delitoonz

"Are you sure people won't recognize you," Jonathan asked his boyfriend Luke.

Luke stared down at the smaller man and smiled at him. He didn't know how lucky he was as to getting Jonathan as his boyfriend. He wasn't too sure he would have said yes to him as he dated his sister before. But finding out that he was actually mad at his sister because she had known that Jonathan had liked him.

"Trust me Jonathan no one will recognize and if they do than who the fuck cares. I only care if you notice me," Luke said pulling Jonathan close to him.

Jonathan blushed but stepped on his tippy toes just to give him a kiss. Luke deepened the kiss by managing to slip his tongue inside Jonathan's mouth. Jonathan wrapped his arms around Luke's neck and he suddenly was lifted off his feet. He laughed as Luke twirled him around in the air.

"Well I don't know about you but I'm ready to take you on that date," Luke said putting Jonathan down.

"Alright lets go," Jonathan said grabbing Luke's hand.

Luke didn't want to admit it but he slightly knew he had a blush on his face. And the sly smirk that came from Jonathan proved his suspicions. He unlocked the car wth his keys and opened the passenger door. Jonathan got in and he closed the door behind him. Luke went around and entered his side and turned on the car.

He put on his seat belt and checked everything before making his way onto he road. Jonathan grabbed the aux cord that was plugged into the radio and he connected his phone. Going to his playlist named Toonz (get it Tunes or Cartoonz) and hit shuffle. The first song that played was one that Luke barely understood.

"Solo en tu boca yo quire acabar. Todo esos besos que yo quiero dar," Jonathan sang along making Luke chuckle.

Luke tuned out Jonathan a bit trying to focus on the road. He wanted to get to there as quickly as possible. He really did love hearing Jonathan sing because it shows a part of himself that no one sees. But he nearly had a heart attack when Jonathan yelled out.

"Si te vas yo también me voy si me das yo también to doy mi amor. Bailamos hasta la diez hasta que duelan los pies."

He repeated the same part again and Luke chuckled. The song had finished some time later and the next song played. Now this was a song that Luke knew and could understand perfectly. Bobbing his head to the music as he continued to watch the road. Luke started to sing along making Jonathan giggle.

The song had finished but Luke had reached the destination he wanted. Finding parking fairly quickly, he turned off the music making Jonathan pout.

"I know how much you love your music but I've been planning this for a while," Luke said making Jonathan smile.

"Alright," Jonathan said and they both got out of the car.

Luke locked his car with his keys and they both walked to the restaurant, California Pizza Kitchen.

"Welcome to CPK table for two," the waitress announced.

"Yeah and can we get a booth," Luke asked and she nods her head.

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