The Choice

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G's POV:

When I woke up this morning I didn't think my life would have taken an unexpected turn. I mean I woke up with messy hair and my room was a mess. I spent the morning getting myself ready to start the day. I fixed my room and I picked out my clothes. It was plain and simple. A blue jacket with a gray tank top and blue jeans and military boots to wear.

I look into the bathroom to stare at my blue eyes. I picked up my tooth brush and started to brush my teeth. After I got a comb and combed my hair back to its pixie cut shape. I leave the bathroom to just pick an apple for the day. I said goodbye to my mom as I left out the front door. I took a deep breathe as I headed out the front door.

I was heading over to my job at an ice cream parlor where my friend Dially got me a job there. I have met many people in my life but there was two that stood out the most. I shook my head at the thought as I saw the parlor straight ahead. I walked in and I saw it wasn't busy since it was the morning.

"Morning Dially," I said as she was ha filing a customer up at front.

"Morning G remember to put on your uniform this time," Dially said making me groan.

"Ugh fine," I said as I head toward the back room.

I stained distantly at the outfit that was in front of me as I changed out of my clothes and into the frilly maids outfit that the parlor makes he girl wear. It's horrible making the girls look cute while the guys can wear just a plain white dress shirt and dress pants. This is just plain humility. I walk back out and I pout Dially as she squeals at me.

"Yay and look now it's your regular 10," Dially said as I turned around to see blue eyes staring at me.

"Good morning Jonathan the usually I suppose," I asked and he nods.

"What's with the get up," he asked as I opened up the chocolate chip ice cream.

"It's the uniform of the establishment and they finally got me wearing it," I said as I put a scoop of ice cream in a cup.

"Well it looks cute on you," he said and I could feel myself blush at his comment.

"Eh I'm not usually the girly type," I said as I put the second scope of ice cream in.

"Come on you should give it a try," he said and I could feel his smirk at my back.

"Yeah yeah whatever I'll think about it," I said as I know that would never happen.

"Here you go fine good sir a double scope chocolate chip in a bowl," I said as I placed a spoon in it and handed it to him.

"Thanks my lady I'll see you around," he said as he left the place win the bowl in hand.

"He's cute isn't he," Dially said popping right next to me.

"Fucking hell Dially don't scare the shot out of me," I said putting my hand over my heart and pretending to look faint.

"Hardy har but he is isn't he why don't you ask him out," she said and I blushed.

"What Dially no that's crazy," I said washing a bowl from someone who ate in.

"Why not what could possibly," Dially started to rant when the front door rang.

In came a guy with blonde brown hair and blue green eyes. He had a black jacket on with a white shirt and blue jeans. He stopped for a second to stare at me before he smirked.

"They finally got you into the uniform huh princess," he asked and I blushed.

"Oh I see hey Tyler," Dially said and waved at him.

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