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Poly Request: by @theocfangirl

Everyone knew Jonathan was prone to wake up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water. It was something he did and the guys had accepted him for it. He always found it super embarrassing when one of the guys would stay up with him until he returned back to their shared bed. Jonathan always tried to be quiet but always wake up either one or all of his lovers.

But this time Jonathan ended up sleeping at the end. How he had manage to convince his lover is beyond him. (Maybe it was all the puppy dog eyeing he had done to each and every one of them). But when he woke up in the middle of the night he smiled as he slowly got out of bed and didn't disturb anyone.

He walked the now suddenly darker stairs and he suddenly felt fear fill him. He usually didn't have to worry about anything because he knew someone was awake to hear him struggle. But now the darkness suddenly felt swallowing. He just shook his head as he made it to the kitchen. He grabbed his cup and filled it with water. He started to drink from it when he heard a thumping noise in the living room.

"Guys," Jonathan asked slowly making his way to the living room.

He softly opened the door and peeked inside. Nothing had seem out of the ordinary; which made Jonathan enter the room. He used his phone as a flashlight and scoped out the room. Nothing had seemed out of the ordinary. He walked around and he noticed that a small statue had fallen over. He picked it up and placed it where it had belong. He turned around to go back to the kitchen when something grabbed him from behind.

In shock he dropped his phone and started to struggle in the mans hold. He was about to scream out when he suddenly felt a gun pressed to his forehead.

"One word and I'll blow your fucking brains out," the man said as Jonathan shook in fear.

"We need him alive idiot or else how are we going to get money from these rich fuckers," another man said making the man holding Jonathan scoff.

"It's just to make him shut up," he said making the other man roll his eyes.

Jonathan was about to struggle some more when he noticed a pair of 9 eyes looking at them angrily. He relaxed in the hold catching the attention of the man who was holding him.

"Why are you so relaxed," the man asked making Jonathan chuckle.

"Because you guys made a big mistake," Jonathan said happily but then yelped in pain when he got slapped by the second man.

Everything went by so quickly to Jonathan. One moment he was staring hazily at the man who slapped in, to now staring into Craig's chest as he whispered comforting words in his ears. He wanted to look around to see what was going on but Craig held tightly to his head. The noise had quieted down and Craig let go of Jonathan.

Jonathan looked behind him and saw two tied up men and heavily breathing lovers. He chuckled catching their attention. He was suddenly group hugged by everyone; as they asked if he was alright.

"I'm okay but how did you guys know I was in trouble," Jonathan asked.

"I heard you open the door when you left. Then I heard the thumping noise and I thought it was you; until I heard you calling out for one of us. I then woke everyone's ass up and now we're here," Tyler said and Jonathan blushed.

"Thanks for coming to my rescue," Jonathan said shyly making everyone coo over him.

"What are we going to do about them," Jonathan asked and they shrug.

"I just want some sleep we'll deal with them in the morning," Luke said and everyone agreed.

"If they got in who didn't turn on the alarm last night," Jonathan said putting his hand on his hips.

"I was first asleep," Lui immediately claimed.

"I was with Marcel in the bathroom," Brock then said.

"I was upstairs changing with David," Brian said.

"Alright I forgot to turn on the alarm. I was to lazy to go and do it I'm sorry," Evan then said.

"We will deal with this in the morning," Jonathan said and then left upstairs.

Everyone looked at Evan worriedly and Evan looked like he wanted to die at the moment. The next day Evan spent the whole day without any cuddles from his lovers.

I got this a long time ago but fuck I finally did it XD. This will be the last one shot of this book and the next chapter I will announce the new one shot book along with some covers of new stories that I'm planning on releasing soon. Thank you for the support.

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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