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Morning's of Polys

Vanoss x Delirious x Basically x Cartoonz x Lui x Mini x Wildcat x Daithi x Moo x Terroriser

It was a Saturday morning, and the smell of sweat and musk was really heavy in one room. There was a group of men snuggling into someone who was happy being in the middle. Slowly the one at the bed was waking up. He rubbed his eyes as he stared down at his naked lovers. Smiling at what they did last night, he quickly gets up and gets dressed.

He goes to the bathroom and he minds the beard as he brushes his teeth. He does his usual hygienes of combing his hair and making sure his beard was clean. He heads for the kitchen and decides that he was going to make pancakes. He starts getting the batter ready once he heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

Smiling as he sees one of his lovers in pajamas. That lover grumbles as he places his head on the table. Not really wanting to communicate. The first lover just stays quiet as he warms up the pan. It wasn't long before tired brown eyes stared up at the cooking man.

"Hey Luke," he said making Luke turn around and stare at his sleepy lover.

"Good morning Marcel want to help me make pancakes," Luke said and he nods.

"Yeah sure but first let me make the coffee first because I don't know how the hell could you be happy in the morning," Marcel said making Luke laugh.

"Of course," Luke said pouring the first batch in.

Meanwhile returning the their 8 lovers who were still in bed. The third smallest of the group slowly wakes up as he has to pee. Looking around at the position he was in. Since being one of the smallest members, he easily squeezed himself out of the position he was in. Not really wanting to dress in his own clothing, he put his own boxers on and wore a red leather jacket.

"Good morning guys," the man cheered as he sat at the table.

"I don't get how you and Lui are fucking morning persons," Marcel said finally having a cup of coffee in his hands.

"It's just comes naturally," Lui said sticking his tongue out at Marcel.

Marcel took the option and quickly made his way over to Lui, sucking his tongue making Lui squeaked surprise. Marcel laughs as Lui pouts at him; also making Luke chuckle. On the next of our list of lovers who woke up was a guy trying to find his glasses.

"Ahh where the fuck is it," he cursed trying to look for it.

Once he found it he grumbled at how bright it was outside as he fumbled with his boxers. Only putting shorts and tank top he made his way towards the kitchen and glared at everyone who was there.

"Good morning Craig," Marcel said as he handed him a cup of coffee.

"Urghhhhhhh," was all Craig said as he sat at the table with the cup in his hands.

Waking up. He looked around the room he was in and he looked down at his lovers. Noticing 4 was missing but probably at breakfast, he man groans as he stretches. He looks for his own glasses he finds them on the shelf as he places them on his face. Stretching, he gets off he bed and debates of he should just go down stairs naked.

Deciding against it, he goes to his room so he can get a fresh clean pair of clothes. Putting on a plain white tshirt, and a clean pair of boxers and grey sweatpants he makes his way down to see Craig taking his first drink of coffee.

"Yo where the coffee's at," he called out as Marcel poured him a cup.

"Right here Tyler," Marcel said handing it to him.

"Ahh a good way to start morning than with a cup of joe," Tyler said and someone from behind said.

"Who is drinking Joe?"

Waking up feeling the loss of heat from his behind woke up the next guy who towered over the rest. Feeling good about the day he got out of bed finding his clothes thrown on the floor. Quickly putting them on he walked down the stairs when he heard the mention of his dog Joe.

"No one David it's just another name for coffee," Luke said already having a huge stack of pancakes already made.

"Oh okay... That's a stupid saying for coffee," he said sitting next to Lui who instantly leaned on him.

"Fuck you morning people," Craig said as he continued to sip his cup of coffee.

Waking up just as cranky as Craig. He grumbled feeling the coffee Starbucks addiction, he currently wasn't addicted too, kicking in. Putting on some black sweat pants he walks downstairs with a "don't fuck with me until I get coffee" look. Marcel just smiles at him as he hands him a cup.

Mumbling a thank you. He sits down next to better looking Craig and drinks his coffee.

"I've been there too Brian don't worry babe," Craig said kissing his forehead.

Brian mumbled another thank you and his cheeks were turning a cute rosy red. Waking up and squinting around noticing the very empty room. He stared down at his two sleeping lovers who were cuddling with each other. Placing a kiss on both of their foreheads he puts on his clothes and realized his red jacket was gone.

"Hey has anyone seen my jacket," he said as he walked into the kitchen.

His eyes immediately set on Lui who just clutch the jacket against his chest and stuck his tongue at him again. Marcel took the opportunity to suck on Lui's tongue once again making him stick it back in.

"I'm telling you Lui it's too cute to not do it," Marcel said making a cup for Evan.

"Sowwy Evan I was just cold," Lui said and Evan chuckles.

"Well I'm almost done with these pancakes," Luke said starting his third stack.

Waking me up peacefully, he stares down at his last lover who was still fast asleep on the bed. Grinning knowing that it was his turn to wake him up. He quickly straddles him and starts to plant kisses on his lips slowly waking up the sleeping lover. Waking up blue eyes stared into loving brown ones.

"Morning Jonathan," the lover on top said to him.

"Morning Brock," Jonathan replied as Brock smiled at him.

Brock got off of Jonathan once he had smelled pancakes. Brock quickly changed into his clothing as Jonathan got off the bed and stretched himself. Jonathan quickly followed Brock's pace and soon hand in hand they walked down the stairs smiling at everyone who has greeted them.

Luke placed the three plates of pancakes on the table and everyone had gathered around for breakfast. What a good way to start the morning.

Hey guys I bring you another oneshot but this one shot is very special because this was actually a tag. I was tagged by Magican_Bunneh to do a Poly tag.

What a poly tag is that you have to write a oneshot about any poly ship. Poly obviously means more than one so the people who are included are the BBS and the Derp Crew or whoever you think would make a 3+ couple. The genre could be whatever you like I did mine on fluff but you could do smut, angst, comedy etc. The only rule is that it's one person per tag.

So the person I'm tagging is my good friend ishaboi_blue. I can't wait to see what you come up with

So with that and love 💛



Bus ShippingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora